Enrolment and registration planning CONTEXT The Minister’s Delivery Agreement with the President Output 5.2: Raising the base Output 5.3: Access to occupational training 2. FET Summit Recommendations
Raising the base Output 5.2 Increase access to programmes leading to intermediate and high level learning) : Sub-output 2.1: Increase the number of Abet Level 1-4 learners Sub-output 2.2: Improve the NC(V) success rates Sub-output 2.3: Create ‘second chance bridging programmes (leading to a matric equivalent) for the youth who do not hold a senior certificate. Sub-output 2.4: Provide a range of learning options to meet the demand of those with matric but do not meet requirements for university entrance
Access to occupational training Output 5.3 Increase access to occupationally-directed programmes in needed areas: Sub-output 3.1: Increase the number of learnerships to at least 20 000 per annum by 2014 Sub-output 3.2: Produce at least 10 000 artisans per annum by 2014 Sub-output 3.3: Put in place measures to improve the trade test pass rate. Sub-output 3.4: Increase the placement rate of learners from NCV and ‘N’ programmes in workplace experience Sub-output 3.5: Establish a system to distinguish between learnerships up to and including level 5, and level 6 Sub-output 3.6: Increase the proportion of unemployed people entering learnerships
FET SUMMIT RECOMMENDATIONS Mission and purpose Differentiated FET College system Distribution of powers, functions and responsibilities Programme offerings for FET Colleges Programme-Qualification-Mix (PQM) based planning Funding for FET Colleges Staffing Monitoring, evaluation and research Organizational Development and Change Management
OPERATIONAL PLANNING/ENROLMENT PLANNING Programme offerings Programme costs Indicative Budgets Staffing Lecturers Support staff 5. Enrolment Targets 6
Report 191: Part 1: N1-N3: Engineering Studies PROGRAMME OFFERINGS Report 191: Part 1: N1-N3: Engineering Studies Report 191: Part 2: N4-N6: All National Certificate (Vocational): Levels 2-4 Occupational Qualifications: Levels 1-4 7
PROGRAMME COSTS: 2011 (FTE) Qualification Programme Total Cost Subsidy Fees Report 191 All R14 625 R11 700 2925 NC(V) Office Administration R24 378 R19498 R4 880 Civil Engineering R39 135 R31 305 R7 830 Drawing Office Practice R30 781 R24 621 R6 160 Eng. & Related Design R51 643 R41 313 R10 330 Mechatronics R52 535 R42 055 R10 480 Electrical Infrastructure R38 560 R30 850 R7 710 Process Instrumentation. R38 975 R31 185 R7 790 Fin. Econ & Accounting R27 253 R21 803 R5 450 Management R28 483 R22 783 R5 700 Marketing R24 467 R19 577 R4 890 Tourism R35 383 R28 303 R7 080 8
PROGRAMME COSTS: 2011 (FTE) Qualification Programme Total Cost Subsidy Fees NC(V) Safety in Society R25 070 R20 060 R5 010 Hospitality R46 991 R37 591 R9 400 Primary Agriculture R65 501 R52 401 R13 100 Education & Develop. R26 785 R21 425 R5 360 IT and Computer Science R37 385 R29 905 R7 480 Process Plant Operation R39 434 R31 544 R7 890 9
Indicative Budgets vs. Enrolment Targets Province Indicative Allocation (R’000) Enrol Proj. per Prog. Totals (FTE) Expansion (NSDS III) Report 191 NC(V) EC R516 427 5434 16 720 22 154 x FS R229 145 7602 4 709 12 311 GP R925 535 19882 33072 52 954 KZN R685 323 19176 23795 42 971 LP R452 613 5614 20521 26 135 MP R296 763 2550 9100 11 650 NC R50 750 1433 2399 3 832 NW R224 037 1827 8029 9 856 WC R421 830 7344 13214 20 558 RSA R3 802 423 70 863 131558 202 421 10
Staffing: Lecturers Per Province . Staffing: Lecturers Per Province PROVINCE FET COLLEGE STAFF Total MNG Lecturers Support staff Persal College PYR EC 4 639 265 X x 904 FS 279 263 542 GP 1786 424 2210 KZN 761 982 1743 LP 926 15 941 MP 457 223 680 NC 79 99 178 NW 166 300 466 WC 851 344 1195 RSA 36 5944 2615 8559 11
EXPANSION : NATIONAL SKILLS DEVELPOMENT STRATEGY 11 Colleges are to be sites for the delivery of artisan training (Increase the numbers of N1-N3 by 60 000) Delivery of Level 1-4 SETA Accredited occupational qualifications (to date the 4176 students) Delivery sites for the National Skills Fund development projects such as Livelihood Development Projects 12
EXPANSION THROUGH FINANCIAL AID In 2010, R318-m was made available for FET College Student Bursaries By end of December 2010 R317, 999-m had been disbursed 65 000 students benefited from this bursary For 2011, in terms of Department projection the above number of beneficiaries is to be increased almost 2.5 times, thereby enabling colleges to fully exempt about 161 000 students who are academically deserving but financially needy This is in pursuit ideal to progressive make education at undergraduate level free Systems have been put in place to support colleges NSFAS has been requested to disburse an advance payment of 33% of last years allocation to exempt current bursary beneficiaries from paying registration fees: subject to good academic performance 13
ENROLLMENT PROGRESS REPORT (24/01/2011 Total 2011 Projected to date Total 2010 Actual to date Total 2011 Projected to date Total 2011 Actual to date NC(V) Level 2 60691 51378 18105 NC(V) Level 3 28533 32994 9903 NC(V) Level 4 9489 16958 5413 Total 131 558 98713 101330 33421 N4 22058 16000 8258 N5 15056 11125 2758 N6 10968 6568 2002 70 863 48082 33692 13018 N1 413 651 259 N2 898 1622 3679 N3 6723 2518 732 TBC 8034 4790 4670 Occup. Programmes 4176 Total No. of Colleges 50 41
PUBLIC ADULT EDUCATION AND TRAINING CENTRES PROVINCE No of Centres Total number of Educators per Province Total number of Learners per Province Allocated budget Learner: Educator Ratio Per capita cost EC 291 3 062 36 918 R 299 269 000 12.06 R 8 106.32 FS 199 1 141 7 327 R 103 985 000 6.42 R 14 192.03 GP 46 2 189 28 478 R 322 000 000 13.01 R 11 306.97 KZN 1 106 5 175 46 968 R 138 837 000 9.08 R 2 955.99 LP 730 2 439 65 261 R 140 366 000 26.76 R 2 150.84 MP 265 1 542 26 630 R 97 846 000 17.27 R 3 674.28 NC 125 355 5 265 R 29 843 000 14.83 R 5 668.19 NW 288 1 718 33 043 R 144 289 000 19.23 R 4 366.70 WC 107 1 112 15 109 R 32 541 000 13.59 R 2 153.75 Total 3 157 18 733 264 999 R 1 308 976 000 14.69 R 6 063.90 15
PUBLIC ADULT EDUCATION AND TRAINING CENTRES Province Budget (‘000 ) Enrolment Growth % Actual 2010 Indicative ‘11 Actual ‘10 Projection EC R299 269 R400 411 36 918 46 806 27 FS R103 985 R106 761 7327 15 602 113 GP R322 000 R358 000 28 478 37 391 31 KZN R138 837 R147 419 46 968 61 332 LP R140 366 R146 247 65 261 40 081 -39 MP R97 846 R104 638 26 630 20 444 -23 NC R29 843 R30 499 5265 4 573 -13 NW R144 289 R150 002 33 043 20 713 -37 WC R32 541 R34 132 15 109 22 058 46 RSA R1 308 976 R1 478 109 264 999 269 000 2 16