Europe meets the Middle east The Crusades Europe meets the Middle east
Introduction Timeline: 1096-1291 What was life like?
What was life like? 1096- The people of Europe Life was hard, brutal, short Not much food No education Not stupid, but certainly naïve The life of ordinary people was ruled by the church
What was life like? The Church ORIGINAL SIN: taught people that they were being punished for sins of Adam & Eve. Guilty when born. That life would be better in heaven, but had to earn their way in That forgiveness could get you to heaven, but you had to get it from church, sometimes even buying it.
Knights and nobles Primogeniture: oldest son inherits land & wealth 2nd and 3rd, 4th sons often became knights Armed, armored, bored, standing around with nothing to do when not at war what would this lead to? TROUBLE!
Strong boys with sharp toys looking for a fight Church leaders disliked all these unemployed troublemakers What to do?
2 kinds of Christianity Remember what happened to the Roman Empire and Christian church in 476ce? It split in half, along with Christianity. One side centered in Rome The other, the Byznatine Empire centered in Constantinople
The pope in Rome had an Idea… The Turks (Muslims) were threatening the borders of the Eastern Empire (Byzantium) Emperor Alexis Comena asked Pope Urban II in Rome for help. He took all those bored, misbehaving knights and promised them land and forgiveness if they could reunite Christianity and Europe under the Western Pope.
The Crusades: “War of the Cross” People’s Crusade: 1096 To conquer the Holy land (HL) The first Crusade: 1096-1099 (HL) The years after: 1099-1144 Creation of the Templars and Hospitallers The Second Crusade: 1145-1149 To recapture the holy land The Third Crusade: 1189-1192 (HL) Fourth Crusade: 1189-1192 Capture Constantinople The Children’s Crusade: 1212 Bring goodness/innocence to quest Fifth Crusade: 1217-1221 Establish base in Egypt Sixth Crusade: 1228 (HL) Seventh Crusade: 1248-1254 (Egypt & HL) Eighth Crusade: 1270-1291 Bay of Tunis to Christianity & capture Holy places
Results? Aside from the century of bloodshed, physical loss, and animosity between Christians and Islam, there were more subtle changes as well.
Results… New things brought home Spices (cumin, coriander, pepper, paprika) Manners (song, art, behavior) Foods (middle eastern cuisine) Learning (algebra, engineering, design) Weapons (scimitar, siege weapons)
Change at home… The people returning from the crusades also saw more of the world and their view changed. For the first time, they began to question the church and its motives. They were given a chance to ignore their lords and masters. They began to question the universe around them. Have you ever travelled? Where? Has your worldview ever changed?
This leads them to begin the…