Site Update Idaho National Laboratory Operations – eng, atr, ngnp Collobarations – neup, iuc April 2011
References herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the U.S. Government, any agency thereof, or any entity affiliated with Idaho National Laboratory.
Flex CAVE Network from CAVE to HPC CAVE in CAES building
IQ-Station (approx $25k each) Large 3D DLP TV, optical head/wand tracking Democratization of immersive environments
Advanced Visualization Applications NNSA cell phone connections
Community Universal Scientific Visualization Tool PHOTO TO GO HERE Visit Partnered with Kitware to add immersive visualization features to Paraview
New Capacity Cluster 120TF Peak, 91TF Linpack 12,512k cores, 2.4Ghz AMD, 25 TB RAM General purpose HPC capacity computing Online and running code Panasas and Netapps for storage
CAES Immersive Visualization Summer School July 20-22, 2011 Center for Advanced Energy Studies Focus on Immersive Applications Bring your own data
Evolution of Resources and Usage Profiles
Summary Significant advanced visualization resources High Performance Computing systems, storage, and network resources Available capacity for medium size jobs Tier 3 resources as a bridge to LCF Growing and improving resources