The EU dimension to taking SPC forward


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Presentation transcript:

The EU dimension to taking SPC forward Ostend and beyond... The EU dimension to taking SPC forward Not talking about Marrakesh process because Bas de Leeuw will have done this.

4 Themes WSSD Commitment Inventory of policies Recommendations from Ostend Possible future EU direction This is what the Swedes have asked for.

WSSD Commitment 2002 Johannesburg “a ten-year framework of programmes in support of regional and national initiatives to accelerate the shift towards sustainable consumption and production patterns...” “all countries should take action, with developed countries taking the lead”

Inventory Document what we have already an EU contribution to WSSD follow-up Not an assessment comprehensive, particularly for MS Explain that this resulted from a realisation that we didn’t know where we are starating from. Comprehensive overview of Commission policies, with national examples (but not comprehensive for national policies).

Ostend European part of Marrakesh process Multi-stakeholder event Workshop-based Co-chairs conclusions i.e. not necessarily consensus Explain about participants and how it worked. Co-chairs conclusions, not necessarily those of Commission!!

Ostend - Key Challenges 3-pillar approach decoupling economic growth from environmental degradation integration of SD into other policies working with the market indicators, timetables, benchmarks and targets coherent strategies EU Treaty SDS Resources Strategy IPP + ETAP Impact Assessment one side explains the challenges iddentified at Ostend and other what can be seen as the EU response.

Ostend - Concrete Initiatives More partnerships and pilot projects Launch task forces with specific actions Sustainable public procurement targets Comprehensive policies for specific products Monitoring WSSD commitments SDS Resources Strategy ETAP + IPP Public procurement EuP

Future Direction Subsidiarity Proportionality Competence Cost-effectiveness Recall basic principles of EU action or non-action. Underline that other stakeholders will have an important role to play.

SCP in Environmental Policy High level of Environment Protection, including Biodiversity Human health & Quality of life Urban strategy Env & Health, Biodiversity strategy Environmental media Water Air Seas Soil WFD Air Strategy Marine strategy Soil strategy Where it fits into env policy is fairly clear. Resources, Waste Prevention and Recycling, IPP Pesticide strategy Climate change policy Sustainable Resource Use, Production and Consumption Climate Change

SCP Environment Competitiveness Social Resources Development RTD Trade It’s complicated Social Corporate Social Responsibility Consumer and Health policy Development European Development Fund World Trade Organisation agreements Millennium Development goals Is this enough? IPP is part of SPC. ETAP Health IPP Consumer Policy

Commission Task List Locate it – SDS, Lisbon, etc. Define it – how does it fit with everything else? Are they coherent? Are there any gaps? Who is responsible for them? How can they be filled? Communicate outcome

When and What? Begin 2nd half 2005 Different procedural options unlikely to feed into Costa Rica meeting Different procedural options no document Commission working paper Commission Communication Feed into Marrakesh and CSD process Marjo needs to add the international context....

Questions to MS Have you got a national SPC strategy? if yes, since when if not, why not and do you intend to What do you see as being the key national policies that come within SPC? Where does IPP fit in at the national level?