Cell Organelles
1) Peroxisome digestive enzyme sacs in both plants and animals In LIVER CELLS Help detoxify alcohol & other poisons PRODUCE HYDROGEN PEROXIDE (also a TOXIN) but have enzyme (CATALASE) to break this down H2O2 → H2O + O2
2) cilia hair-like projections that extend from the cell membrane surface unicellular - locomotion. Multicellular - wave back and forth to move substances. example, the cells lining the respiratory tract of the trachea contain ciliated cells that help move mucus and trapped particles upwards toward the throat where they can be swallowed.
3) Centrioles Function Structure help coordinate cell division only in animal cells Structure one pair in each cell
4) lysosome Function digest food clean up & recycle Structure used to make energy clean up & recycle digest broken organelles Structure membrane sac of digestive enzymes 4) lysosome lysosomes digesting broken organelles vacuole small food particle digesting food
5) cell/plasma membrane phosphate “head” Function separates cell from outside controls what enters or leaves cell O2, CO2, food, H2O, nutrients, waste recognizes signals from other cells allows communication between cells Structure double layer of fat phospholipid bilayer receptor molecules proteins that receive signals lipid “tail”
(Between nucleus and cell membrane) 6) cytoplasm Image from: http://faculty.stcc.cc.tn.us/jiwilliams/labprojectsmenu.htm (Between nucleus and cell membrane) Includes ORGANELLES- and CYTOSOL-semi-fluid “goo” Image from: http://vilenski.org/science/safari/cellstructure/cytoplasm.html
7) Mitochondria ATP Function Structure in both animal & plant cells make ATP energy from cellular respiration sugar + O2 ATP fuels the work of life Structure double membrane ATP in both animal & plant cells
8) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum SER is called “smooth” because it lacks ribosomes. They function to synthesize and store lipids and steroids. smooth ER makes membranes
9) flagellum long whip-like structure that extends from the surface of a cell. There can be one flagellum or many flagella. Flagella are used to propel an organism forward through a liquid medium.
10) Cytoskeleton Network of protein fibers supporting cell shape and anchoring organelles Microtubules Microfilaments
11) Nuclear Pores channels through the nuclear membrane that allow certain substances to be transported between the nucleoplasm and the cytoplasm outside of the nucleus. they also allow important proteins and molecules from the cytoplasm to enter the nucleus.
12) Nuclear Membrane semipermeable double membrane (it has two lipid bilayers instead of one layer like that found in the cell membrane) that surrounds and protects the nuclear contents. controls the traffic of substances across It contains nuclear pores.
13) DNA in nucleoplasm DNA is coiled around proteins called histones. Together the proteins + DNA form long strands called chromatin (which when condensed form chromosomes). DNA contains sections called genes nucleoplasm (nuclear contents)
14) Nucleolus Produces ribosomal RNA Dark spot in nucleus Produces ribosomal RNA Assembles ribosomes (RNA & proteins) Image from: http://lifesci.rutgers.edu/~babiarz/histo/cell/nuc3L.jpg http://universe-review.ca/I09-08-RNA.gif
15) Nucleus Function Structure control center of cell protects DNA instructions for building proteins Structure nuclear membrane nucleolus ribosome factory chromosomes DNA
16) Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Function works on proteins helps complete the proteins after ribosome builds them makes membranes Structure rough ER ribosomes attached
Cells need workers = proteins! Making proteins to run daily life & growth, the cell must… read genes (DNA) build proteins structural proteins (muscle fibers, hair, skin, claws) enzymes (speed up chemical reactions) signals (hormones) & receptors organelles that do this work… nucleus ribosomes endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Golgi apparatus
Proteins do all the work! one of the major job of cells is to make proteins, because… proteins do all the work! structural enzymes signals receptors DNA proteins cells
17) Ribosomes Function Structure protein factories read instructions to build proteins from DNA Structure some free in cytoplasm some attached to ER Ribosomes on ER
18) Golgi Apparatus Function Structure finishes, sorts, labels & ships proteins like UPS headquarters shipping & receiving department ships proteins in vesicles “UPS trucks” Structure membrane sacs vesicles carrying proteins They work closely with the RER to process and package molecules (mostly proteins) and then ship these molecules throughout the cell and outside of the cell through the use of vesicles. transport vesicles
19) Golgi Vesicle Function Structure moving material around cell storage Structure membrane sac small food particle vacuole filled w/ digestive enzymes vesicle vesicle filled w/ digested nutrients
endoplasmic reticulum nucleus protein on its way! DNA TO: RNA vesicle TO: TO: vesicle ribosomes TO: protein finished protein Golgi apparatus Making Proteins
cytoplasm jelly-like material holding organelles in place nucleolus produces ribosomes lysosome food digestion garbage disposal & recycling vacuole & vesicles transport inside cells storage nucleus protects DNA controls cell chromosomes DNA mitochondria make ATP energy from sugar + O2 cell membrane cell boundary controls movement of materials in & out recognizes signals
cytoplasm jelly-like material holding organelles in place nucleolus produces ribosomes lysosome food digestion garbage disposal & recycling vacuole & vesicles transport inside cells storage nucleus protects DNA controls cell mitochondria make ATP energy from sugar + O2 ribosomes build proteins cell membrane cell boundary controls movement of materials in & out recognizes signals
cytoplasm jelly-like material holding organelles in place lysosome food digestion garbage disposal & recycling vacuole & vesicles transport inside cells storage nucleus protects DNA controls cell mitochondria make ATP energy from sugar + O2 ribosomes builds proteins ER works on proteins makes membranes cell membrane cell boundary controls movement of materials in & out recognizes signals
cytoplasm jelly-like material holding organelles in place lysosome food digestion garbage disposal & recycling vacuole & vesicles transport inside cells storage nucleus protects DNA controls cell mitochondria make ATP energy from sugar + O2 ribosomes builds proteins ER helps finish proteins makes membranes Golgi apparatus finishes, packages & ships proteins cell membrane cell boundary controls movement of materials in & out recognizes signals
nucleolus make ribosomes endoplasmic reticulum processes proteins makes membranes nucleus control cell protects DNA ribosomes make proteins cytoplasm jelly-like material around organelles central vacuole storage: food, water or waste Golgi apparatus finish & ship proteins cell wall support mitochondria make ATP in cellular respiration lysosome digestion & clean up chloroplast make ATP & sugars in photosynthesis cell membrane cell boundary controls movement of materials in & out recognizes signals
Cell Summary Cells have 3 main jobs make energy make proteins need food + O2 cellular respiration & photosynthesis need to remove wastes make proteins need instructions from DNA need to chain together amino acids & “finish” & “ship” the protein make more cells need to copy DNA & divide it up to daughter cells Our organelles do all those jobs!
Cells need to make more cells! Making more cells to replace, repair & grow, the cell must… copy their DNA make extra organelles divide the new DNA & new organelles between 2 new “daughter” cells organelles that do this work… nucleus centrioles
cytoplasm jelly-like material holding organelles in place lysosome food digestion garbage disposal & recycling vacuole & vesicles transport inside cells storage nucleus protects DNA controls cell centrioles cell division ribosomes builds proteins ER helps finish proteins makes membranes mitochondria make ATP energy from sugar + O2 Golgi apparatus finishes, packages & ships proteins cell membrane cell boundary controls movement of materials in & out recognizes signals
Eukaryotic Cells Image Image
Eukaryotic Cells: Plant & Animal Cells I wonder how many differences there are between plant and animal cells? That’s a good question because we look different, but I think we have a lot of the same parts! But don’t forget that fungi and protists are eukaryotes too! Image
What organelles does this plant cell have in common with the animal cell?
1) plasmodesma Channels between neighboring plant cells that allow substances to be transported between them.
PLASTIDS CHLOROPLASTS- contain pigment chlorophyll for photosynthesis CHROMOPLASTS- contain pigments that give fruits and flowers colors AMYLOPLASTS- store starch (amylose) in roots and tubers (colorless) http://www.jonathanwald.com/800x600/images/Red-Apple.jpg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Potato_-_Amyloplasts.jpg
PLASTID – synthesizes and stores starch 2) amyloplast PLASTID – synthesizes and stores starch
6) Tonoplast semipermeable membrane surrounding a vacuole – helps regulate what goes into and out of the vacuole
7) Large Central Vacuole Largest organelle in most plants Stores water, ions and waste Provides TURGOR pressure – pushing gainst the inside of the cell wall, giving cell it’s shape. Wilted, dehydrated plants are not TURGID – lost pressure and appear deflated.
Chloroplasts DOUBLE MEMBRANE “Solar Power Plants” – site for photosynthesis in plants DOUBLE MEMBRANE “Solar Power Plants” Contain the pigment chlorophyll Thylakoids – membrane sacs containing light-capturing pigments
22) CELL WALL Outside cell membrane http://www.windows.ucar.edu/kids_space/images/brick_wall.jpg 22) CELL WALL Outside cell membrane Supports and protects cell plants- Cellulose makes it “sturdy” Bacteria- have peptidoglycan instead http://web.jjay.cuny.edu/~acarpi/NSC/13-cells.htm
Nuclear Envelope, Nucleus Ribosomes Endoplasmic Reticulum vacuoles Plant Cells Animal Cells Cell membrane Golgi Apparatus Mitochondria Nucleolus Nuclear Envelope, Nucleus Ribosomes Endoplasmic Reticulum Many large vacuoles Chloroplast Small vacuole Cell Wall Centrioles
Eukaryotic Cells: Plant & Animal Cells Wow, we have more things in common than I thought! We might look a lot different on the outside, but when we are put under a microscope… …we have a lot of the same organelles! Image