Architects of enterprise integration Present-o-matic template Look on the next slide for an overview and quickstart
Architects of enterprise integration Look on the next slide for an overview and quickstart Present-o-matic template
enterprise integration where complex business challenges meet agile solutions 3 Tussenslide Subhoofdstukjes Look on the next slide for an overview and quickstart
enterprise integration where complex business challenges meet agile solutions 4 TMNS
enterprise integration where complex business challenges meet agile solutions 5 uGet the attention and focus then continue with the presentation outline Question : Did you consider your audience in this presentation? What do they need to know, feel and do? Are you tackling those questions? Which questions do they bring to the table? to do: change the questions below. Pose a question that will silence your audience for a second, demanding their attention to something scary and unexpected Add supporting questions and a tagline/cliffhanger to do: change the questions below. Pose a question that will silence your audience for a second, demanding their attention to something scary and unexpected Add supporting questions and a tagline/cliffhanger
enterprise integration where complex business challenges meet agile solutions 6 Leveraging the solution What solution is provided? Why are we here? Presentation Outline Context acc. To Dirk Introductions Phased solution Alignment & Impact
enterprise integration where complex business challenges meet agile solutions 7 Slide titles are the most important vehicle to get your story across context
enterprise integration where complex business challenges meet agile solutions 8 Leveraging the solution Presentation Outline What solution is provided? Why are we here? What solution is provided? Support RWS with establishing EAI and SOA guidelines & identify opportunities Homepage layout Sub-page layout EU generalisations Development tools
enterprise integration where complex business challenges meet agile solutions 9 Reading only the titles should result in getting the executive overview Topic selection
enterprise integration where complex business challenges meet agile solutions 10 Leveraging the solution Presentation Outline Leveraging the solution What solution is provided? Basic ingredients for implementation are provided with the style guide Support RWS with establishing EAI and SOA guidelines & identify opportunities Overall roadmap Impact for NL & EU Next steps Some more
enterprise integration where complex business challenges meet agile solutions 11 Last section typically calls for action; what was your intended impact? next steps
enterprise integration where complex business challenges meet agile solutions 12 TMNS Leveraging the solution Summary Roeland 3 Style guide is the staging ground for incremental return of investments Methodology Offering Basic ingredients for implementation are provided with the style guide Support RWS with establishing EAI and SOA guidelines & identify opportunities Thanks for your attention!