Equality and Diversity Compliance Issues Margaret Adjaye - LSIS


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Presentation transcript:

Equality and Diversity Compliance Issues Margaret Adjaye - LSIS

Outline and objectives E&D Landscape within Specialist Colleges – Celebrating achievements, but also raising awareness of the issues and barriers standing in the way of true and meaningful equalities The need for change inc roles and responsibilities in this process Achieving Quality through Equality, inc what an equality focused organisation looks like Outcome: Appreciation of some of the E&D challenges and opportunity to take away some ideas for addressing E&D issues we face

E&D Landscape in FE inc Specialist Colleges Some themes from Ofsted reporting 07 – 09 In a good number of institutions, there are good equality and diversity practices aimed at supporting and meeting learner needs Skilled, dynamic and committed staff team working to achieve positive outcomes for learners Statements and policies in place to support the promotion of equality of opportunity E&D within teaching and learning Cultural events targeted at learners Robust health and safety policies Appropriate safeguarding policies

E&DLandscape However though good practice exists in most, excellence in a few, there is a lot of room for improvement The Barriers we need to tackle Tick box versus real meaningful change Monitoring without impact Policies on paper not in action Training on roles and responsibilities – how to make equality a reality, understanding legal duties and obligations Strategies and action plans lacking real meaningful targets - a few have yet to develop strategies Safe, inclusive working cultures/environments

E&D Landscape Good at disability equality for learners, not so good for staff Race equality for learners, not always for staff Impact assessments – still a myth in some instances Language we use not always right for communities we work with E&D not fully mainstreamed into curriculum Gender equality targets??? Workforce profile not always representative of learner communities – governors, senior managers – Lack of diversity role models within workforce

We need to look at issue of equality and diversity because…… Reputation, profile within local community Employer and provider of choice Succession and retention crisis Diverse talents, diverse experiences, successful organisations Confident learner Thriving and inclusive cultures, learners, staff feel valued, enabled and supported, staff develop Moral and ethical thing to do Good for business Community development Cohesive societies Policies and strategies which actually work – I can say it if it is not right Confidence in the organisation, its leadership All contribute to the organisation’s strategic aims and priorities Meet legislative duties Avoid unnecessary costs – eg disciplinaries, loss of staff, talent

Your role in making equality real within your institutions Understand, appreciate and know how to meet legal responsibilities (minimum) - compliance Being able to confidently evidence if and how the organisation promotes equality of opportunity Tackles unfair discrimination – clarity of what it is, how and where it manifests/likely to, what it does to those involved and the likely or existing impact on the organisation and the consequences of not tackling it Promoting good relations between different communities This is not limited to just learners (services), but to staff in the organisation Gathering evidence – what does it look like here, how does it feel like here, how do our policies, plans, decisions, activities affect the different people we engage, involve, provide services for, employ?

Your role in making equality real within your institutions Doing something with the evidence – not simply producing lovely reports for the Board, diversity committee or management team. But Able to analyse and review the evidence, backed by solid and clear leadership, a focused strategy, SMART targets aimed at bringing real and sustainable change into the organisation Ensuring that everyone in the organisation (governors, senior managers, staff, learners) understand their legal duties, are clear about the organisations strategic E&D intentions (where you want to be at, how you will get there, who you will need in the process, how you will monitor) and priorities, resources available to support and evidencing how it is done (accountability) What this means, is E&D is seen as central to every aspect of the organisation’s life, culture, values, vision and direction As an organisation I want my learners to succeed and to do so, I must ensure their individual, cultural and other needs are considered and addressed, so they feel confident, enabled and support I want a staff group that reflects local needs and to do this, I must put myself forward and enhance my profile, so I am seen as an organisation of choice

Your role and responsibilities Harnessing involvement, engaging with those who are affected either disproportionately or adversely by what you do and work together to change what is not right Being transparent in decision making, in planning, in how you lead, govern and manage the institution both internally and externally Monitoring, reviewing, evaluating and assessing – where was I before and what did it look like, what did I need to change, how did I plan to do it and have I done it. If not what stopped me, how do I ensure it does not happen again and what can I learn from this experience Recruiting and managing diversity fairly because it makes real business sense, and is the moral thing to do Communicating equality activities externally and internally – sharing, learning, celebrating, valuing

Achieving quality through equality – the equality focused organisation - Excellence When I walk through the door, I feel valued, respected, spoken to with dignity, by people who feel motivated, respected and valued by their leaders and the organisation Led from the top – not just the responsibility of the HR director, curriculum manager or the Quality manager - governors, leaders, decision makers are all involved in ensuring it is part of the corporate vision, plans and strategies Equalities is led, monitored and evaluated in such a way that diverse learners (existing or potential) and their communities know the organisation is interested in them, in their goals and aspirations and support them in achieving this diverse staff, existing and potential want to be part of the organisation because the leaders demonstrate through their own actions that it is the best place to be at Stakeholders feel assured because the leaders and the organisation meet their legal obligations and go further to ensure that where they are not doing so well, they prioritise and monitor for action

Equality focused organisation The right policies, shaped with diversity in mind are in place and people can access and use these policies if things are not right – most importantly they feel safe to question, challenge and get it right Data monitoring captures the gaps and barriers and actively support equality impact assessments Staff and Community involvement in decision making, in creating and implementing a shared vision, goals, aims, objectives is a must HR, workforce and Organisational Development – E&D targets Quality assurance or Performance management processes/structures include real indicators for promoting measuring equality and diversity Measurable targets for all staff – evidence and account Equality and diversity strategy Procurement processes include real targets on promoting equality and diversity Reporting

Support LSIS Workshop at the May conference Three practical workshops planned post the May conference for organisation requiring some support, guidance to E&D forward in the organisation (June, September and January) . LSIS – Sharing Effective Practice Seminar – date to be confirmed Consultancy and bespoke work for the college Equality and Diversity competencies Equality and Diversity training Support in developing an E&D strategy E&D Leadership Toolkit Governance programme – being planned Equality and Diversity Practitioner Network