Do Now 5/2/2019 C: No talking. H: Raise hand. A: Working. M: Seated. Pick up a flash card Get out your body system FRAME, and UO - Fill in the parts of the UO we have already done. Answer in brief (not Complete Sentences): C: No talking. H: Raise hand. A: Working. M: Seated. P: On task. S: Succeed! Date updates automatically!
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ The Unit Organizer Circulatory Respiratory Nervous NAME DATE The Unit Organizer Expanded Unit Map is about... 9 Structure and Function of Living Systems Understanding how The internal elements of organisms are adapted to work together. By…. How internal structures of organisms are adapted to perform specific functions Like how… ✓ Investigating and Explaining Comparing The function of cells and the organelles to the functions of organisms and organs • ______ let fish get dissolved ______ out of water • ________ bones help _____ fly by making them ______ • __________ carries _____ through vascular plants • __________ carries _____ (sugar) through vascular plants Identifying The functions and parts of body systems ✓ ✓ ✓ Digestive • T_________ • D___________ • L______ • B______ • S_____ C____ • N______ • S______ Organs • K_______ • B_______ • G_____: Organs that excrete… • H_________ • T_______ • S______ muscle • C______ muscle Circulatory Integumentary Reproductive • M______ • Esophagus • S_______ • I________ • Gallbladder • Pancreas Skeletal • H____ • B____ • B_____ V_____ • Male: T_________, P_____, S______ • Female: E____, O____, V____, U_____ • L_________ Respiratory Nervous Excretory Endocrine Musculatory ✓ •S___ •H___•N___ PreAP ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Review What is the PRIMARY function of the circulatory system? Where does blood get refreshed in the lungs? (Rhymes with ravioli) What part of vascular plants is adapted to carry water? (remember phloem is for food/sucrose)
Learning Objective I will be able to identify and describe the functions of the organs belonging to the nervous and integumentary systems.
Language Objective Integumentary and nervous system groups will present their slides. We will go through other slides in depth, and complete the FRAME, and watch a brief video on how the heart functions.
Guiding Questions? What are the three organs out side the body that make up the integumentary system? What are the three main parts of the nervous system?
Organ System Presentations Raise your hand if you have a question. Conversation No talking. No whispering. Respectfully say “shh”. Help Raise your hand if you have a question. Activity Each integumentary group will present their slides. I will show my slide and review key points. I will popsicle stick questions for the system Repeat with nervous system group Movement Remain seated. No bathroom breaks. Participation Sit up, pen/pencil in hand with your FRAME out. WMS Colors
Integumentary SYSTEM PRESENT
Integumentary System
Integumentary System Composed of skin, hair, sweat glands, and nails The name is derived from the Latin integumentum, which means “a covering.” The skin, considered the largest human organ, covers the body. The hair covers the head and other parts of the body. The nails cover the tops of the fingers and toes.
Integumentary System Functions include: Protects the body’s internal tissues and organs Protects against infectious organisms and injury Prevents loss of body fluids
Integumentary System Functions include: Regulates body temperature through sweat and regulating peripheral blood flow Removes waste from the body through perspiration Generates vitamin D through exposure to UV light
Integumentary System Functions include: Protects against sunburns from UV rays Stores fat for fuel and insulation Sensory organ with receptors for touch, pressure, pain, heat, and cold
Integumentary System Hair is made up of strong, dead protein known as keratin. The nails and outer layer of skin are made up of keratin. The body sheds the old cells as new cells push up from underneath. Most of the keratin people interact with is dead.
The Integumentary System: protects the body from various kinds of damage, such as loss of water or injury Skin: is our largest organ and protects the network of muscles, bones, nerves, blood vessels, and everything else inside our bodies Hair: a modified type of skin that grows everywhere on the human body except the palms of the hands, soles of the feet, eyelids, and lips. Nails: a type of modified skin - nails protect the sensitive tips of fingers and toes
Nervous System
Functions of the Nervous System Functions include: Control center Communication network Coordinates all actions and reactions Send messages as electrical impulses
Functions of the Nervous System Functions include: Allows us to Think Evaluate Remember
Functions of the Nervous System Functions include: Sensory Input- Senses send messages to the brain. Integration- The brain interprets and translates. Motor Output- The brain sends messages to body.
Made of Neurons Nerve Cells Parts Soma Dendrites Axon Carry messages Called impulses
Part 1: The Brain
Part 2: The Spine
(Peripheral Nervous System) Part 3: The Rest (Peripheral Nervous System)
The Nervous System Purpose: coordinate the body’s response to changes in its internal and external environment * Sends and receives signals in the body Major Organs and Their Functions Brain – control the body, where all processes are relayed through Spinal Cord – sends instructions from the brain to the rest of the body and vice versa Nerves – conduct impulses to muscle cells throughout the body Sense Organs – Sight, Taste, Smell, Touch, Hear