The BPOU Resolutions Committee removes resolutions that are redundant (i.e. already in the platform). These resolutions MAY be automatically added to the action agenda at the discretion of each BPOU. They also combine repetitive resolutions. The Committee then categorizes the remaining resolutions into legislative “action agenda” items or “platform” items. Resolutions are passed at precinct caucuses and are forwarded to the BPOU Resolutions Committee BPOU delegates vote on the resolutions as either “action agenda” or “platform.” Passed resolutions are forwarded to the CD Resolutions Committee The CD Resolutions Committee combines repetitive resolutions from different BPOUs and notes their category as either “action agenda” or “platform.” If a conflict exists or no category was indicated, the CD Resolutions Committee makes a recommendation. Otherwise the resolutions categorized and voted on at the BPOU conventions will stay in the same category throughout the process. CD delegates vote on resolutions as previously categorized. Action agenda items already in platform may be added automatically. Passed resolutions are forwarded to the State Resolutions Committee The process described for the CD conventions will occur on the state level.
Sample Rules RESOLUTIONS A. The resolutions committee will provide the resolutions committee report to the convention, sorting the resolutions into “action-agenda” and “platform” categories. B. Each proposed resolution will be read by the chair of the resolutions committee. C. At least three (3) speakers on each side of a question shall be afforded the opportunity to speak alternately for or against an issue before a call for the question shall be in order. Delegates may vote to change the classification of a resolution from “action agenda” to “platform” and vice versa by majority vote before taking a vote on the resolution. D. When the question is called voting will be by voice. E. No resolutions may be offered from the floor of the convention, only resolutions passed at the 2018 precinct caucuses will be considered at this convention.