TASK- What are the main features of this landscape? Starter Activity TASK- What are the main features of this landscape? EXTENSION- How do we use landscapes like this for our own advantage?
Date How do rocks make landscapes? Learning Objectives: To interpret OS maps and photos of limestone and gritstone landscapes. To explain why differences between the two landscapes occur.
Think – Pair - Share Image 1: Limestone Image 2: Gritstone TASK: Look carefully at the images above. In pairs, split the A3 paper in half- one records words to describe Image 1 while the other describes Image 2. Then describe it to each other ready to share on your table.
What does landscape tell us about rocks? Limestone Gritstone The landscapes are different. What do you think this means about the rocks underneath? One has lots of water near the surface, the other doesn’t – why do you think this?
What do these landscapes look like? LEVEL 3-5 TASK: Study the OS Maps on the white card. Use this information to help you complete tasks 1-4 from the yellow card (in your exercise book!). The green card will help you, especially with Question 4! LEVEL 6-7 TASK: Use Photoset A and B to classify their key features. Sort the cards to explain how the landscape form. Explain how their formation explains the features we observe in their landscapes. 20 Minutes
Consolidation LEVEL 3-5 TASK: Create a mini brochure for tourists visiting the Peak District. It should include information on the key characteristics of the two types of landscape. You may find it useful to include sketches. LEVEL 6-7 TASK: Read the fact cards about limestone. Select six and produce about an informative poster about that type of rock. Use a dictionary to find out the meanings of any key terms your unfamiliar with. 20 Minutes
Date How do rocks make landscapes? Learning Objectives: To interpret OS maps and photos of limestone and gritstone landscapes. To explain why differences between the two landscapes occur.
Plenary Getting stuck in a bog? Meeting a flock of sheep? TASK- Where are you most likely to experience… Getting stuck in a bog? Meeting a flock of sheep? Finding an old millstone? Getting lost in a forest?