The TOTEM T2 Telescope based on triple-GEM chambers


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Presentation transcript:

The TOTEM T2 Telescope based on triple-GEM chambers The Requirement: -Fully inclusive Trigger (pseudorapidity coverage & efficiency) -Measurement of the topology of forward processes -Identification of beam-beam events against background (vertex reconstruction: readout granularity and sufficient number of hit per track) -Radiation hard XI Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors Isola d'Elba, Italy M.G.Bagliesi

T2 Test Measurement & ... ... Simulations Test of the capability of the simulation to reproduce one particular configuration. Left: Measured and simulated efficiency for different detector. The only free parameter used in the simulation was the Gain of the detectors. Center: Relative number of hits in reconstructed tracks for data (left) and simulation (right). Right: one of the best (top) and worst (bottom) comparison between data and simulation for Pads and Strips. Test of the capability of the simulation to predict one particular configuration. Left: Measured and simulated efficiency for different detector in two different configuration (bottom and top). The parameters changed between the two configuration were the threshold and the Gain. They have been changed according to the ones used during the tests. Right: Strips and Pads Cluster size comparison between data and simulation for the detector 9 that had the huge variation in the efficiency. XI Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors - Isola d'Elba, Italy