It’s time to plan for your Sophomore year ! Pre-Registration It’s time to plan for your Sophomore year !
Today’s Paperwork You will receive Course description book Scheduling form ● transcript ● graduation requirements ● credit checklist and 4-year plan On-line registration directions The Course Description Book is also available on-line at
Graduation Requirements
Snohomish School District’s Personal Pathways Everyone begins on the Pathway that fulfills Washington State Graduation Requirements Your Pathway can change to one of these: Four Year College Two Year College Technical School Apprenticeship Military Career Goal
Graduation Requirement Status Review Transcript for Accuracy Name Classes Completed Grade Accuracy Additional State Requirements
CTE Courses Students who take CTE-equivalent courses may satisfy two graduation requirements (dual requirement) while earning Either .5 or 1.0 credit (depending on the class) for a single course. The purpose of this State wide policy is to create flexibility for students to choose more elective courses or to address other graduation requirements. If a specific course is available for an equivalency or dual credit it will be noted in the course description and in the Course by Department index at the back of the Course Description Book.
Transcript goes on this page.
Credit check list Change to math. Add ppr to
A four-year plan
Course Description Book COURSE DESCRIPTION SAMPLE AND KEY Computer Graphics CTA201 Grades 9-12. Semester long. 0.5 Career and Technical Education credit/0.5 Visual/Performing Arts credit. Prerequisite: Introduction to Digital Arts.. Take your image modification and digital drawing skills to the next step. Students will pursue advanced features of Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign. Classes normally include active participation in design contests, including TOLO ticket and invitation design, logo designs for clubs and creating items for the Snohomish Education Foundation. Student work is showcased during the annual “Night of the Arts” in the spring. This class will assist in building a portfolio of student design work. College credit may be obtained if the course is completed with a B or better and the necessary paperwork is completed. See page 17 for more information. ●The first item in every description is the course name followed by the course number. ●Under the course title is italicized information including: The grade level(s) at which the course may be taken The length of the course and the number of credits it is worth Graduation requirement(s) fulfilled The prerequisite requirements [course(s) or conditions which must be completed or met before enrolling in this course] Course fees ●Below the italicized information is the actual course description. Information provided will describe the content, operation and/or objectives of the course. Students may check with their counselor, other students and the teachers about specific details of operation and teacher expectations.
What Classes Qualify for What Credits? See the Course Description Book pages 67-43
Now it’s time to plan your sophomore year!!
Remember, Sign up wisely You will be held to your pre-registration selections. Alternate selections may be on your final schedule so be willing to take the courses you choose. Read the descriptions of every course you select!
Class Availability
A Heads Up About AP/Honors Classes It is highly unlikely you will be able to change these courses later, choose wisely. Attend the Honors/AP session when offered during Panther Period
Science One credit of Life Science One credit of Physical Science Once credit based on the student’s College/Career Pathway Two of the above credits must be lab-based science See page 46 in the Course book for further details
Online Registration Step #1: Log on to Skyward Step #2: Click Schedule
Online Registration Step #3: Click Request Courses Step #4: Find and add classes
Step #5: Pick Alternative Classes
Due Dates Enter course requests on-line before Tuesday, February 26. Scheduling forms are due in this class on Tuesday, February 26.
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