SLMS PTG Technology HAC and Schoology
Home Access Center (HAC) Grade Reporting Purpose: Reports student grades. The student report card grade will match what is in HAC. Usage: Teachers will input grades after a student has completed an assignment. Grading Term Guidelines: HAC User Assistance Guide Basic Tutorial Video
Schoology: In-class Activities & Assignment Submission Purpose: In-class materials management system Usage: Post class updates. Students can message teachers for clarification. Teachers post links, files, and Assignments. Students can submit files electronically from their Google Drive. Calendar to organize workload. Schoology Parent Log-in (obtain parent access code from guidance)
Differences HAC Schoology Files will not be shared with students. Students will not find their daily work here. HAC shows you what your student has turned in. Grades can be found here. Files/assignments can be shared with students. Teachers will use Schoology in the classroom. Schoology keeps you up to date with what’s happening in-class. Some grading may be done in Schoology but HAC is the final grade.