Mrs. Winiarski-Kuzdak Health October Mrs. Winiarski-Kuzdak Health
Mon, Oct 3 Goal: Objective: SWBAT Definition Journal P/R/S Class work Antibiotic: drugs that kill or limit the growth of bacteria Journal None – use your notes from Friday to complete your worksheet P/R/S (R) bi(o): - life Class work Textbook 21.1 Section Review and Journal worksheet Homework Complete: Definition, Journals, & P/R/S Goal: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention (#1) Objective: SWBAT Describe the causes of infectious disease Identify the ways in which diseases are spread
Success Criteria: SWBAT Tues, Oct 3 Definition Effective Communication: a two way information sharing process which involves one party sending a message that is easily understood by the receiving party Journal A Myriad of Influences p. 21 “Gifted Hands” see next slide p. 22 P/R/S (S) -emia (blood, condition of) Class work DVD “Gifted Hands” Homework Defn, P/R/S, Learning Target: Students will analyze the influence of culture, media, technology and other factors on health (#4) Success Criteria: SWBAT Identify internal and external influences
A Myriad of Influences Internal External Personal belief system Internet Cultural values Print Information Religious beliefs and convictions Media Emotions Family Personal History Friends Personal Values Data Desires Politics Fears Economics Law Rules Experts Government Policies Environment Spiritual or religious community
Success Criteria: SWBAT Wed, Oct 4 Definition Social Support – deriving positive feeling from sharing life situations with others . Journal “Gifted Hands” see next slide p. 22 P/R/S (P) auto- (self) Class work DVD “Gifted Hands” Homework Defn, P/R/S, Journal – ALL DUE THURSDAY Learning Target: Students will analyze the influence of culture, media, technology and other factors on health (#4) Success Criteria: SWBAT Identify internal and external influences
Ben Carson “Gifted Hands” Who? What? Where? When? So What? Internal influences – person/influences External influences – person/influences
Journal & Cards Journal Cards Complete through page 22, including the table of contents Cards Definitions alphabetized Prefix alphabetized Roots alphabetized Suffix alphabetized
Success Criteria: SWBAT Thur, Oct 5 Definition Public Service Announcement (PSA) a message created to educate people about an issue. Journal Complete through page #22 P/R/S (P) anti- (against) Class work 1st hour DEAR 1st – 6th hour – Update/complete cards and journal Homework Defn, P/R/S, Journal – ALL DUE THURSDAY Learning Target: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention. (#1) Success Criteria: SWBAT Correctly complete index cards (P/R/S & definitions) and journal.
Success Criteria: SWBAT Friday, Oct 6 Definition Media – the main means of mass communication (especially television, radio, newspapers, and the Internet regarded collectively). Journal NONE P/R/S (R) ops- (sees) Class work SSR Hepatitis “In the News” Homework Defn, P/R/S, Journal, all missing work Learning Target: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention. (#1) Success Criteria: SWBAT Learn about Hepatitis “In the News”
Tape is not to be removed from my desk!! Do/DUE NOW: Take one of each and tape them in your journal on the correct pages Avoiding Infectious Diseases – p. 27 Oral Health – p. 28 Sleep: It’s Under-Rated – p. 29 Sun Safety – p. 30 Tape is not to be removed from my desk!!
Success Criteria: SWBAT Mon -Wed, Oct. 9 - 11 Learning Target: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention (#1) Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and reduce health risks (#3) Students will analyze the influence of culture, media, technology and other factors on health (#4) Success Criteria: SWBAT Describe how common infectious diseases are transmitted. Analyze the importance of rest and sleep for personal health Describe the danger of exposure to UV light and strategies for avoiding exposure. Describe health practices that can prevent the spread of illness Analyze the social influences that encourage or discourage a person to practice health safety.
Mon, Oct. 9 Definitions: Benefits – the pros or advantages of a consequence Journal: Avoiding Infectious Diseases – p. 27 Oral Health – p. 28 Sleep: It’s Under-Rated – p. 29 Sun Safety – p. 30 P/R/S: -or (S) one which Class work: Team assignment – one above (#1 - #4) Homework: Defn, P/R/S, Journal
I will stamp your pages!! Do/DUE NOW: Take one of each and tape them in your journal on the correct pages Avoiding Infectious Diseases – p. 27 Oral Health – p. 28 Sleep: It’s Under-Rated – p. 29 Sun Safety – p. 30 I will stamp your pages!!
Success Criteria: SWBAT Mon -Wed, Oct. 9 - 11 Learning Target: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention (#1) Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and reduce health risks (#3) Students will analyze the influence of culture, media, technology and other factors on health (#4) Success Criteria: SWBAT Describe how common infectious diseases are transmitted. Analyze the importance of rest and sleep for personal health Describe the danger of exposure to UV light and strategies for avoiding exposure. Describe health practices that can prevent the spread of illness Analyze the social influences that encourage or discourage a person to practice health safety.
Tues, Oct. 10 Definitions: Consequences – a result Journal: Avoiding Infectious Diseases – p. 27 Oral Health – p. 28 Sleep: It’s Under-Rated – p. 29 Sun Safety – p. 30 P/R/S: Multi- (P) many Class work: Team assignment – one above (#1 - #4) Homework: Defn, P/R/S, Journal
Success Criteria: SWBAT Mon -Wed, Oct. 9 - 11 Learning Target: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention (#1) Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and reduce health risks (#3) Students will analyze the influence of culture, media, technology and other factors on health (#4) Success Criteria: SWBAT Describe how common infectious diseases are transmitted. Analyze the importance of rest and sleep for personal health Describe the danger of exposure to UV light and strategies for avoiding exposure. Describe health practices that can prevent the spread of illness Analyze the social influences that encourage or discourage a person to practice health safety.
Wed, Oct. 11 Definitions: Lifestyle: how we live Journal: Avoiding Infectious Diseases – p. 27 Oral Health – p. 28 Sleep: It’s Under-Rated – p. 29 Sun Safety – p. 30 P/R/S: Hyper- (P) high Hypo- (P) low Class work: Team assignment – one above (#1 - #4) Homework: Defn, P/R/S, Journal
Complete Do/DUE NOW: Pick up the following Three (3) worksheets/person – do not take your own Homework Assignment #1 Get a number from the teacher Complete Place your name and hour on each Have your journal out.
Research Topic – Homework Asst. #1 handout Do/DUE NOW: Pick up the following Research Topic – Homework Asst. #1 handout Immediately after, get a card from your teacher. Read the handout Be able to identify the two things you will need to do (based on the handout) Do NOT ask what the numbers are for. The teacher will explain to everyone, as a class.
Success Criteria: SWBAT Thur, Oct 12 Definition Environment – the living and nonliving things that surround an organism Journal Review Avoiding ID, Oral Health, Sleep and Sun Safety Research/Homework Asst. #1 P/R/S -oma (S) tumor Class work Presentation of Topic Review HW Asst. #1 Homework Defn, P/R/S, Journal Research Learning Target: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention (#1) Success Criteria: SWBAT Become familiar with research project
Success Criteria: SWBAT Fri, Oct 13 Definition NONE Journal Update P/R/S Class work Presentation of Topic Review HW Asst. #1 Homework Defn, P/R/S, Journal Research Learning Target: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention (#1) Success Criteria: SWBAT Become familiar with research project Catch up on missing work.
Do/Due Now Take a handout from table #8 Annotate Handout Tape into your journal – page 34 Get it stamped
Success Criteria SWBAT Mon, Oct. 16 Definitions: SMART goal – is the best practice framework for setting goals Journal: Annotate handout p. 34 See next slide p. 35 P/R/S: tom (R) cutting Class work: SMART Goal Poster Homework: Health/Wellness Test – Friday Research/HW Asst #1 – Due Wed. Journals/Cards collected next week Learning Target: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal setting & decision- making skills to enhance health (#6) Success Criteria SWBAT Students will create a mini poster which demonstrates/skills using a SMART goal.
Journal – page #35 Identify at least 3 short-term goals you have for yourself (include at least one educational goal). Identify at least 3 intermediate goals you have for yourself (include at least one educational goal). Identify at least 3 long-term goals you have for yourself (include at least one educational goal).
TUTORING today after school 3:05 – 5:30. Do/Due Now Take from table #8 A rubric A large piece of paper Place your name and hour on the rubric Read over the rubric Take out journal – page #34 TUTORING today after school 3:05 – 5:30.
Success Criteria SWBAT Tues, Oct. 17 Definitions: Goals – a specific aim that reflects a set of values. Journal: Annotate handout p. 34 See next slide p. 35 P/R/S: (R) brachi (arm) Class work: SMART Goal Poster Homework: Health/Wellness Test – Friday Research/HW Asst #1 – Due Wed. Journals/Cards collected next week Learning Target: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal setting & decision- making skills to enhance health (#6) Success Criteria SWBAT Students will create a mini poster which demonstrates/skills using a SMART goal.
Success Criteria SWBAT Wed, Oct. 18 Definitions: Life expectancy – the number years a person can expect to live. Journal: Using handout on pages 27 – 30 complete the next slides. P/R/S: Epi- (P) upon Class work: Journal work – pages 36 - 38 Homework: Health/Wellness Test – Friday Research/HW Asst #1 – Due Wed. Journals/Cards collected next week Learning Target: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention(#1) Success Criteria SWBAT Students will become more familiar with ID, oral health, sun safety and sleep. (This will be demonstrated by answering question in their journal).
Journal page 36 - 38 Directions Write the complete question & answers for the next slides. Use the handout you have on pages 27 – 30. This will help review for Friday’s test.
Journal page 36 List four (4) ways infectious diseases are transmitted List six (6) ways to prevent infectious diseases
Journal page 36 List four (4) ways to prevent food/water contamination
Journal page 37 List four (4) ways to prevent dental disease. List four (4) things that can affect oral health
Journal page 37 - continued List three (3) results of sleep deprivation.
Journal page 38 List three (3) sleeping tips. What is the problem with UV radiation? List six (6) ways to protect yourself from the sun.
Success Criteria SWBAT Thur, Oct. 19 Definitions: Decision-Making Model – a series of steps that helps a person make a responsible decision. Journal: Study guide – page 39. P/R/S: -ologist (S) – on who studies Class work: Study Guide for test Homework: Health/Wellness Test – Friday Research/HW Asst #2 – Due Wed. Journals/Cards collected next week Learning Target: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention(#1) Success Criteria SWBAT Students will complete study guide for Friday’s test.
Success Criteria SWBAT Fri, Oct. 20 Definitions: Interpersonal Communication – the ability to clearly express your needs, ideas, and opinions using appropriate and effective verbal and nonverbal strategies and receive the same from others . Journal: NONE P/R/S: (P) Proto - first Class work: DEAR Health/Wellness Test Homework: Research/HW Asst #2 – Due Wed. Journals/Cards collected next week Learning Target: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention(#1) Success Criteria SWBAT Health/Wellness Test
Success Criteria SWBAT Mon, Oct. 23 Definitions: Addiction – a condition in which the body relies on a given drug to help it function. Journal: Refer to pp. 34 – 35 in your journal P/R/S: (R) angin - strangling Class work: SMART Goal Poster Homework: Research/HW Asst #2 – Due Wed. Journals/Cards collected this week Health/Wellness Test make up – after school Tuesday Learning Target: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal setting & decision- making skills to enhance health (#6) Success Criteria SWBAT Students will create a mini poster which demonstrates/skills using a SMART goal.
Success Criteria SWBAT Tues, Oct. 24 Definitions: Drug - a substance that causes a physical or emotional change on a person Journal: Refer to pp. 34 – 35 in your journal P/R/S: Cauter (R) - burn Class work: SMART Goal Poster Homework: Research/HW Asst #2 – Due Wed. Journals/Cards collected this week Health/Wellness Test make up – after school Tuesday Learning Target: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal setting & decision- making skills to enhance health (#6) Success Criteria SWBAT Students will create a mini poster which demonstrates/skills using a SMART goal.
Success Criteria SWBAT Wed, Oct. 25 Definitions: Drug Misuse - unintentional improper use of a drug Journal: NONE P/R/S: alges (R) – pain/feeling Class work: Homework Asst. #2 Causes – one paragraph + HARD COPY – NO PASSES Complete journal thru page 39 Complete ALL CARDS Homework: Research/HW Asst #3 – Due next Wed. (Signs/Symptoms) Journals/Cards collected Thursday Health/Wellness Test make up – after school Tuesday Learning Target: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention(#1) Success Criteria SWBAT Investigate the causes of their health topic
Success Criteria SWBAT Thur, Oct. 26 Definitions: Character Trait – Patterns in a person’s behavior when he or she acts on his or her values frequently Journal: Refer to pp. 34 – 35 in your journal P/R/S: (S) –ia condition of Class work: Journal – page 39 due ALL cards – due today SMART Goal Poster Homework: Research/HW Asst #3 – Due Wed. (Signs/Symptoms) Journals/Cards collected this week Health/Wellness Test make up – after school Tuesday Learning Target: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal setting & decision- making skills to enhance health (#6) Success Criteria SWBAT Students will create a mini poster which demonstrates/skills using a SMART goal.
Success Criteria SWBAT Fri, Oct. 27 Definitions: Self-Management – the ability to demonstrate habits and strategies that have a positive impact on your life Journal: NONE P/R/S: (R) therm (heating) Class work: DEAR Opioid in Michigan “In the News” Homework: Research/HW Asst #3 – Due Wed. (Signs/Symptoms) Last day for make-ups and tutoring is Tuesday, Octber 31. Learning Target: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention Success Criteria SWBAT Explore the opioid epidemic in Michigan
TUTORING Tuesday after school 3:05 – 5:30. Do/Due Now Take a handout from table #8 Place your name and hour on it Annotate the handout TUTORING Tuesday after school 3:05 – 5:30.
Success Criteria SWBAT Mon, Oct. 30 Definitions: Alternative - choices Journal: p. 40 table of contents p. 41 week #8 planner page p. 42 “Master the Skill of Decision Making” P/R/S: (R) cardi (heart) Class work: Update journal Decision Making Homework: Research/HW Asst #3 – Due Wed. (Signs/Symptoms) Tuesday last day to make up work, after school. Learning Target: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal setting & decision- making skills to enhance health (#6) Success Criteria SWBAT Students will create a mini poster which demonstrates the decision making process.
Journal: 1 EXAMPLE NOTE: Use ONLY the front of the paper/pages Table of Contents 1 # Item Date Pg NOTE: Use ONLY the front of the paper/pages
Success Criteria SWBAT Tues, Oct. 31 Definitions: Cost – what you give up to get something else Journal: p. 42 “Master the Skill of Decision Making” P/R/S: (R) narc (ot) numbness, sleeping, stupor Class work: Decision Making – mini poster Homework: Research/HW Asst #3 – Due Wed. (Signs/Symptoms) Tuesday last day to make up work, after school. Learning Target: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal setting & decision- making skills to enhance health (#6) Success Criteria SWBAT Students will create a mini poster which demonstrates the decision making process.