P’s and Q’s of Professional Development Bonnie Halpern-Felsher, Ph.D. Professor Stanford University
Want to work in a lab? How Many of You… LIKE TO BE LIKED? Want to go to Grad or Med School? LIKE TO BE LIKED? Want to Apply to College? Want a job? Want to work in a lab?
Objectives Discuss effective means of communication
Effective Means of Communication
Addressing People “Hey” does not work! Be formal: Use Mr., Ms., or Dr. until you are invited to use first names Look people in the eye and say “hello;” shake hands
Use of Technology
Use of Cell Phones/Texting Turn Cell Phones Off Do Not Answer
Use of Cell Phones/Texting Only Call or Text if Invited
Emailing Create a new, professional email address Use this for professional matters only Personal types of email addresses should not be used: cutegirl@aol.com techman@rcn.net sciencenerd@yahoo.com
Emailing Have a formal “To” and “From” statement Don’t use “Hey” or other informal introductory remarks Copy yourself, especially when using attachments Ask, don’t tell Follow-up/acknowledge emails
Don’t Use Abbreviations (LOL, BTW, TTYL, BFF) Emailing Don’t Use Abbreviations (LOL, BTW, TTYL, BFF)
The Interviewing Process
Be Prepared; Do Your Homework
Ask Questions
Don’t Slouch
EMAIL and Other BLOOPERS Examples EMAIL and Other BLOOPERS
To: bonnie.halpernfelsher@ucsf.edu From: supernerd@yahoo.com Subject: Program information “Hey, I want to be part of your program. Send me information.”
To: bonnie.halpernfelsher@ucsf.edu From: gotcha@gmail.com Dear Reader, I am interested in your lab. I want to be a biology major. Do you have room? Thanks.
To: bonnie.halpernfelsher@ucsf.edu From: adamclarke@yahoo.com Dear Dr. Halpern-Felsher, Please write me a letter of recommendation. Applications are due in 2 days. BTW – I just sent you information. Sorry it is so late. Thanks.
To: bonnie.halpernfelsher@ucsf.edu From: musicluvr@yahoo.com Subject: Time of talk “Please send me the time of my presentation.”
To: bonnie.halpernfelsher@ucsf.edu From: groovy@yahoo.com Subject: ?? (In response to a professor’s email) “I don’t know what I am supposed to do.”
Other Things to Consider Pay attention during all meetings Take notes