Its got lots of big purple granules It’s a basophil
What layer is indicated
First… what are you looking at in general? A large vein… you know because the tunica media is really SMALL Remember that the tunica adventitia of some large veins can have longitudinally oriented smooth muscle… this is the case in this image so this is the tunica adventitia
Myelinated Axons
Hints: Shape of nucleus Color of cytoplasm Neutrophilic band/stab cell
First, what type of vessel? lumen/wall thickness ratio Artery Tunica media has TONS Of muscle Also you can see the internal elastic lamina MUSCULAR/MEDIUM Artery
Basophilic erytrhoblast
What is predominant below the red line
Bullseye appearance of the cell GANGLIA
Eosinophilic myelocyte
Reticulocyte Has the RNA fragments still in it
medium vein You know it’s a vein because the lumen got all mashed up and it doesn’t have a very thick wall You know its medium because of its relative size
Neutrophilic stab cell You know because it has a horseshoe shaped nucleusband cell and that its cytoplasm is salmon coloredneutrophil
Lymphocyte Because its not much bigger than RBCs And its got a THIN layer of cytoplasm around it
Orthochromatophilic erythroblast You know because it’s the same color as the RBC And the nucleus is condensed
ID the red arrow
Eosinophilic metamyelocyte Eosinophilic because its got a shitload of bright red/pink granules Metamyelocyte because its got a kidney shaped nucleus
A happy neutrophil Happy because you all got it right