Drugs and Addiction
Specification – Page 48 1 Definition of the application a) Define health psychology, showing understanding that health psychology is about understanding health from study of the biological bases of behaviour (such as the study of drugs and their effects) and the cognitive and social bases for behaviour and that health psychology is about promoting good health. b) Define and use psychological terminology appropriately and accurately including the terms: i substance misuse ii synapse iii tolerance iv physical dependence v psychological dependence vi withdrawal
What are drugs? A drug is any chemical you take that affects the way your body works. A drug must be able to pass from your body into your brain. Drugs can change the messages your brain cells are sending to each other - by interfering with your brain's own chemical signals.
Your Task – Drug Speed-dating! Each of you are a particular drug Talk to the other drugs around you to get a description of what they are and the effects they have Complete the table given to you Make sure you meet every drug!
What type of drug do you think you are? Hallucinogen Stimulant Sedative Or a combination of two or three types?
Definitions In your groups, come up with a definition of your drug type Hallucinogen Stimulant Sedative If mixture, why?
Hallucinogens These drugs change a person’s perception of the world. Distort what is heard or seen. Lead a person to experience things that do not really exist.
Sedatives These substances have the common property of down-regulating mental activity. Produce a state of relaxation or sleepiness. They can slow reaction time and impair co-ordination. Higher doses produce intoxication and sometimes unconsciousness.
Stimulants These drugs up-regulate mental activity. Cause alertness, feelings of enhanced energy, and excitement. These drugs can also produce agitation and anxiety. Long-term use of stimulants can produce symptoms that closely resemble paranoid psychosis, i.e. thought disorder and hallucinations.
Your Task Colour code the table you created from the drug speed-dating Use the colours to differentiate between hallucinogens, stimulants and sedatives.
Homework Finish writing up you speed dating table in preparation for next session
Specification – Page 48 Part Two…. 1 Definition of the application a) Define health psychology, showing understanding that health psychology is about understanding health from study of the biological bases of behaviour (such as the study of drugs and their effects) and the cognitive and social bases for behaviour and that health psychology is about promoting good health. b) Define and use psychological terminology appropriately and accurately including the terms: i substance misuse ii synapse iii tolerance iv physical dependence v psychological dependence vi withdrawal
What is Addiction? Doctors call a drug addictive if it makes you dependent on the drug. Unpleasant withdrawal symptoms appear unless you take the drug. Addictive drugs also make you crave them - you have an overwhelming urge to continue taking the drug, even after withdrawal symptoms have disappeared.
What is the difference between biological/physiological addiction and psychological addiction?
Biological Addiction The body becomes dependant on the drug. Without it, severe withdrawal symptoms occur such as pain or sickness. Body becomes used to the drug and causes a physical reaction if the don’t receive it. Body develops a tolerance to the drug – require more of it to have an effect.
Psychological Addiction Conscious desire to obtain drug out of a perceived need for its affect. User might say it makes them “feel good” or “calm down”. May use drug to escape from real-life. Think it is the only way they can cope.
Addiction What is the difference between drug abuse and drug addiction? When does drug abuse become addiction?
Addiction Drug abuse is initially a voluntary behaviour Continuum of drug abuse and drug addiction Can reach addiction at different points depending on the individual No use Drug Abuse Drug Addiction
Abuse is voluntary; addiction is the continued compulsive drug use despite adverse health or social consequences.
You need to know the definitions of these key terms Matching Task You need to know the definitions of these key terms
Drug addiction http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgvErY2Yq8I
Finally…. You never know for sure what is in a drug. Many drugs are ‘laced’ with cheaper products such as talcum, flour or even poisons. Drugs affect people differently. It is difficult to determine just how strong a drug is and high doses are potentially fatal.
Debate One side are FOR drug-taking, the other side are AGAINST drug-taking. Come up with a few points per team – argue your case against the other side. NOTE: Your debate points do not need to reflect your own opinions on drug use