The Babel Tower of Public Services Documentation Harmonization Local Ps Taxonomy State (4.644) Regions (21.121) Municipalities (44.616) SDG A common CoS is not enough There are many Spanish public administrations with competences for offering public services. SIA, the Spanish Catalogue of Public Services, contains more than 69.000 of these services and is a pillar of our digital administration. SIA allows us to offer a PS locator on the Spanish single point of contact and to identify the public services that are using interoperability services. However, the information on the public services is produced by hand. And the harmonization of services across different public administrations is simply a mess. Such a mess that the Local authorities have just presented a change request to adopt a new taxonomy for local public services defined by them. So, in our experience, a common catalogue of services is not enough and we see the SDG Regulation as a great opportunity to achieve a public service management that meets the expectations on digital administration. Public PS Locator Governance of PS Interoperability PS Online access
Spanish view of the SGDR adoption Spanish Regulation for establishing the means for the SGDR adoption: new Royal Decree on Digital Administration Common Methodology and techniques to describe and represent: PS characteristics PS dependencies PS harmonization PS processing PS provision PS documentation Life/Business events PS data evidences requirements Data evidence provision & harmonization New resources only focused on 21 SDGR procedures We have just begun with the SDGR activities and we are organizing them. We are also in the approval phase of a new royal decree on digital administration that establishes the means for the SGDR adoption. But, to enable automatisms that ease the SDG implementation at European level, we think that we need a common methodology and common techniques to describe and represent PS characteristics, task that is already covered by the CPSV-AP; PS dependencies and PS harmonization, which are been developing by CPSV-AP; but we also need to describe and represent the PS processing, provision and documentation, in the sake of transparency, information and automation, including the description of how and what public services are involved in each life or business event, not only a relationship between a public service and some event. And for the good of the once-only principle, we also need to describe in detail the data evidence requirements of each public service as well as the data evidence provision in each public body in a harmonize way to prevent misunderstandings. We think that all of this work should be focused exclusively on the 21 SDGR procedures and the results should be used as reference to build a sound and comprehensive CoS for the SDG public services and their information. Automatisms for SDG ! 21 The reference to build a comprehensive SDG CoS