Research 101 How to research & tips
Tip 1: search as many key words as possible Don’t just type one thing in the search bar You won’t get as many results as you would with typing more variety of things Try words, phrases, and sentences Don’t only type the essay question you’re trying to answer—you’ll get bad sources
Tip 2: Get as much information as you can Even if you think you might not use it later, save it Good researchers always find out more information than they actually include in their essay
Tip 3: Keep track of your information and sources & what is a quote Avoid plagiarism!! Remember where you read things and learn things We are all going to use the same organization method I personally use this method Keep everything as a quote to start so that way we remember
The organizer
Today Open and save the research organizer Start searching on Google Two options Get all the websites (maybe 5-6) that you think will be helpful and then read them, copying quotes on the organizer OR find one website, read it and find quotes, then go to the second, then the third, and so on