Transition Maths Try these maths problem solving tasks and see how good your maths skills are.
Engage You need: a partner and a 6 sided die. Each of you draw a set of four boxes like this: Take turns to roll the dice and decide which of your four boxes to fill. Do this four times until all of your boxes are full. Read the four digits as whole numbers Whoever has the largest four-digit number wins. Trial out both scoring systems and choose your favourite- don’t forget to explain why you have chosen that system. A point for a win. The first person to reach 10 wins the game. Work out the difference between the two four- digit numbers after each round. The winner keeps their score. First person to score 10 000 wins.
Explore or
Engage Place the numbers 1 to 8 in the circles so that no consecutive numbers are joined by a line. (Consecutive means numbers next to each other when counting, like 3 and 4).
Explain Why are some cells more significant than others? How do you decide which targets are appropriate? What are effective strategies for placing the numbers?
Engage You have a set of digits from 0 to 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Can you arrange these digits in the ten boxes to the right to make two-digit numbers as close to the targets as possible? You may use each digit once only. Largest even number Largest odd number Smallest odd number Largest multiple of 5 Number Closest to 50
Engage Find two consecutive numbers which when added together = 47 Find three consecutive numbers which when added together = 84