Team Wessies Room 32
Fort Sam Houston Elementary 5th Grade Parent Orientation Welcome to Fort Sam Houston Elementary 5th Grade Parent Orientation “Engaging Student, Engaging Minds” August 29, 2013 September 8, 2016
Monday - Friday 5th Grade Schedule 7:30 – 7:45 –Morning Meeting 7:45 – 7:55 – Morning Program 8:00 – 8:45- Fine Arts Rotation/Teacher Conference 8:50– 10:55 ELAR/SS w/Mrs. Blount 10:55– 12:10 – Math 12:10– 1:00 Science 1:00 - 1:30 Lunch 1:30 – 2:15 PE/Library Rotation 2:15 – 3:00 – Enrichment and Intervention (Friday – Recess/Study Hall/Detention) 3:00 - 3:15 – Character Counts/Get ready for Dismissal
Agendas The student agenda/planner will be used each and every day. The students will write their homework in it daily, the teachers will use it for discipline records, and the teachers and parents can use it as a means for communication. We ask that the students have their parents initial the agenda every day of the week. It is the student’s responsibility to get the parent to sign the agenda daily. It is the student’s responsibility to show the parent any comments from the teacher and vice versa. Since the agenda is our most significant means of communication, please check and initial it everyday.
0 - 2 discipline marks = Excellent Student Conduct Daily conduct will be reflected on the report card. At the end of each nine weeks, the number of discipline marks will be totaled for each student. 0 - 2 discipline marks = Excellent 3 -7 discipline marks = Satisfactory 8-10 discipline marks = Needs Improvement 11 or more discipline marks = Unsatisfactory A note in the agenda for teasing, name calling, or disrespect will count as two discipline marks. Office referrals will result in an automatic N for the nine weeks. Any student who is suspended will receive an automatic U for the nine weeks. Also, as stated in the handbook, citizenship grades of N or U can prevent a student from achieving Honor Roll.
Friday Detention/Study Hall Three discipline marks in one week will result in a loss of Friday recess. Students who are missing work will complete it on Friday during recess. Discipline notes written by teachers must be signed by parents to avoid Friday detention. Students are required to have 2 parent signatures a week to avoid detention. Instructional Recovery Please refer the Student/Parent Handbook. After school detention may result after a student has been tardy three times in a four-week period. Parents must provide transportation home for after school detention. Visit Us on the Web Important information will be posted on teacher websites throughout the year. To access our websites you must first type in our school website: Then find teacher class pages under the directory. You can now access your child’s grades on-line.
Attendance An excuse note needs to be sent into school for every absence. (Doctor or dental notes, notes from parent) For planned absences we can send work for practice but all graded work missed must be made up at school. Please notify us so we can schedule dates to make up missed test and assignments once your student return to school All missed work must be made up. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain/complete all missed work from each teacher upon their return to school.
Please remember …. 5th grade is a SSI year Please remember …. 5th grade is a SSI year. SSI stands for Student Success Initiative. This initative states that all 5th graders MUST pass the Reading and Math STAAR tests by the end of their fifth grade year in order to be promoted to the 6th grade. They have three chances to pass the test in both math and reading. We are partners in the education of your child, and will ask for your help. Whether it’s over a behavioral or an academic issue we need to always work together to put the needs of your child first. We will be glad to discuss any questions you have regarding the STAAR test at your parent/teacher conference.