A Quarterly Overview Report 1st May 2016 to 31st July 2016
Update: Efforts made to increase Registered members and update addresses: Panui to register and update registration details are placed on NTB website, face-book and Te Tukaiaia Newsletter Registration forms made available at all NTB hui, online or in office applications Efforts made to reduce Registered members GNA’s: Emails sent to individual Ngātiwai members requesting updated contact and postal details Panui to update contact details are regularly advertised on the NTB website, face-book page and Te Tukakaia newsletter Regular contact made with members by phone Current number of Registered members: As at 31st July 2016 current registered members is = 7353. Total GNA’s as at 31st July 2016 = 1131.
To Register or Update: Contact: Moana MacDonald on 09 430 0939 or email: registrations@ngatiwai.iwi.nz Toni-Marie Sweeney on 09 430 0939 or email: registrations@ngatiwai.iwi.nz Or register directly on-line at www.ngatiwai.iwi.nz