The Presidential Election of 1860
Stephen Douglas “The Little Giant” From Illinois
The Northern faction of the Democratic Party Stephen Douglas The Northern faction of the Democratic Party Douglas believed that the issue of slavery should be determined through popular sovereignty in territories as they become states.
Douglas deeply believed in democracy arguing the will of the people should always be decisive
John Breckinridge of Kentucky The Southern Faction of the Democratic Party
Southern Democrats In April 1860,delegates from Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Texas, Arkansas, Delaware walked out of the Democratic National convention.
Southern Democrats Southerners left the Democratic party in protest of the party’s platform concerning slavery. Southern Democrats met in Baltimore in June 1860 to nominate John Breckinridge.
Many Southerners believed that the federal government did not have the power to regulate the economies within the states. These people cited what they called “states rights”.
John Breckinridge Believed that the Federal government must protect the institution of slavery.
The Constitutional Union Party John Bell of Tennessee The Constitutional Union Party
The Constitutional Union Party The Constitutional Union Party consisted of former Southern (Cotton)Whigs and Know-Nothings
John Bell Believed the federal government should support slavery and work to preserve the Union.
The Constitutional Union Party Supported the upholding of the Constitution and preserving the Union. Bell and his supporters hoped to gain votes by making slavery a secondary issue. Bell had wide support in the counties which would become West Virginia.
16th President of the United States Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln The Republican Party Slavery must not be allowed to expand into the territories as America expanded West.
The Republican Party The Republican party formed in 1856 in Ripon, Wisconsin as a response to the failure of the Kansas- Nebraska Act. The Republican Party consisted of former Northern Whigs who joined together in opposition to the expansion of slavery.
Lincoln was not even on the Ballot in Mississippi, Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, Texas, Georgia ,Louisiana or Florida.
Lincoln Popular vote 1,865, 908 Percentage 39.8% Electoral College 180 States carried 18
Stephen Douglas Popular Vote 1,380,201 Percentage 29.5% Electoral College 12 States carried Missouri
John C. Breckinridge Popular Vote 848,019 Percentage 18.1% Electoral College 72 States Carried 11
John Bell Popular Vote 509,901 Percentage 12.6% Electoral College 39 States Carried 3
Electoral Map