OIE Global Programme Good Governance Dr Bernard Vallat Director General OIE Global Programme Good Governance Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) : Siem Reap, Cambodia, 12-16 March 2007
Needs Presented OIE/FAO programme on Good Governance (last updated in August 2006)
Transparency; Notification and Good Governance: Veterinary Services Crucial need for appropriate legislation and strict implementation through appropriate national animal health systems allowing: Early detection Transparency; Notification and Rapid response to animal disease outbreaks
Current reality: Veterinary Services Building and maintaining efficient (epidemio) surveillance networks and territorial meshing covering the entire national territory, potentially for all animal diseases, including zoonoses and emerging diseases, is a responsibility of all Governments If one country fails, it may endanger the entire planet Veterinary Services are an International Public Good
Gap analysis to prioritize national and international investments Investment Priorities Evaluation of legislation and Veterinary Services resources, using the PVS instrument adopted by all Member Countries Gap analysis to prioritize national and international investments Role of livestock owners, private practitioners and stakeholders, alliances
National chain of command LaboratoryTwinning’s programme Investment Priorities Capability for early detection, rapid response and preparedness, including compensation schemes National chain of command LaboratoryTwinning’s programme
Management Committee OIE World Animal Health and Welfare Fund First meeting on February 20, 2007 Chairman: Barry O’Neil (in his absence: Carlos Correa Messuti) 2 Representatives from the OIE Administrative Commission Romano Marabelli and Carlos A. Correa Messuti (in their absence, respectively: Nicola Belev and Brian Evans) One representative from the Donors: Brian Evans OIE-HQ (Bureau central) Mrs Cordier (OIE external auditor)
First meeting on October 20, 2006 Representatives from WTO, WHO, FAO OIE World Animal Health and Welfare Fund Advisory Committee First meeting on October 20, 2006 Representatives from WTO, WHO, FAO WB, USA, Japan, France, Australia OIE-HQ (Bureau central) Next meeting: December 2007
Initially a Pilot project… OIE World Animal Health and Welfare Fund 2006 (by end of March 07) Initially a Pilot project… World Bank: 5 PVS in 3 Regions USA (USDA): 10 PVS
2007 and beyond OIE World Animal Health and Welfare Fund World Bank: 9 PVS in 3 Regions Canada: 25 PVS over three years Australia (AusAID): 10 PVS over three years Switzerland and other Donors (negotiations ongoing)
Programme of 105 evaluations over 3 years (35 / year; ~ 3 a month) OIE World Animal Health and Welfare Fund i.e. over 60 PVS evaluations already funded to date Programme of 105 evaluations over 3 years (35 / year; ~ 3 a month)
Achievements to date Support to Good Governance, OIE-PVS Instrument, training of OIE-PVS experts, Country PVS Evaluations initiated (15 ongoing) Economic Studies on Animal Health systems OIE Emergency AI Vaccine Bank in place …Relevance for FMD? OIE/Japan Special Trust Fund programme
FAO/OIE - CMC (Crisis Management Centre) Achievements to date FAO/OIE - CMC (Crisis Management Centre) OIE/FAO/WHO – GLEWS (Global Early Warning System) OIE-Regional seminars with key policy makers (ongoing) Laboratory Twinning programme (starting)
Short term priorities mainly directed towards Avian Influenza Current reality: Veterinary Services Short term priorities mainly directed towards Avian Influenza Medium-long term activities directed towards Governance, prevention and control of emerging and re-emerging animal diseases exacerbated by globalization and climatic change
Regional coordination through SEAFMD and GF-TADs Current reality: Veterinary Services Regional coordination through SEAFMD and GF-TADs OIE Regional and sub-regional offices: Tokyo; Bangkok; New Delhi.
World Organisation for Animal Health Thank you for your attention World Organisation for Animal Health 12 rue de Prony 75017 Paris, France Tel: 33 (0)1 44 15 18 88 Fax: 33 (0)1 42 67 09 87 Email: oie@oie.int http://www.oie.int