Moriond Discussion Meeting 2006 QCD Moriond Discussion Meeting March 23, 2006
2006QCD Moriond Discussion Meeting The aim of this meeting is to prepare future Moriond. In 1966, when I started the first Rencontres de Moriond, the main objectives of the meeting are : A. Promote exchanges and collaboration between experimentalists and theorists B. Promote young physicists in giving them a priority for giving a talk.
Moriond Discussion meeting Every year, in each Moriond session, we have a discussion meeting in order to find out if we still fulfill the "founding" objectives As many « institutions », Moriond is getting older every year (40th Moriond anniversary this year : since 1966), we may become a club of "senior or friend physicists". Question : Is MORIOND ALREADY MORIBOND? It is why your PARTICIPATION and your HELP is much needed to maintain Moriond in the right track.
Objectives : Promote exchanges and collaboration between experimentalists and theorists Promote young physicists in giving them a priority for giving a talk. Realization : We try in Moriond to have a ratio of 60% of experimentalists and 40% of theorists. This year : 70 experimentalists : 61% 45 theorists : 39% We try to convince speakers that theoretical talks should be prepared with experimenters in the audience in mind, and experimental talks should likewise be aimed at theorists. DID WE SUCCEED ?
Reminder : EW2006 session
Program Committee Present at the meeeting E. Augé (L.A.L. Orsay), A. Capella (L.P.T.H.E. Orsay), Y. Dokshitzer (LPTHE, Paris) B. Klima (Fermilab), L. McLerran (B..N.L,Brookhaven), B. Pietrzyk (LAPP, Annecy) Chung-I Tan (Brown University), J. Tran Thanh Van (Orsay), Cannot attend this year E. Berger (A.N.L), S. Bethke (MPI, Munchen), A. Czarnecki (Edmonton) D. Denegri (CERN), N. Glover (Durham), L. Kluberg (L.P.N.H.E.,Palaiseau), M. Krawcsyk (Warsaw Univ.) and U. Widerman (CERN) Thanks to the chair(wo)men of the various sessions of the conference.
Conference Secretariat Patricia Chemali Isabelle Cossin Elizabeth Hautefeuille Maryvonne Joguet Nicole Ribet Pierre Pham
Sponsors European Union CNRS : « Formation Permanente » IN2P3 : Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules CEA : DAPNIA-DSM FNRS (Belgium) NSF (grants for young US physicists)
DISCUSSION : Scientific Program :Etienne Augé :Coordinator In order to start the discussion, some questions - Is the number of talks too high? We gave a priority to young scientists to give a talk. Is the young scientist forum a good formula? - Every year, participants asked to have introductory talks. This year the organizers have made an effort in that direction. What are your feelings? - Are theoretical talks too specialized and too technical? Same question for experimental talks. Should we come back to La Thuile?