The Civil War General Winfield Scott asked Robert E. Lee to command the Union’s troops. Lee was one of the best officers in the U.S. Army. Lee was from VA One-third of the military officers chose to support the Confederacy Seven of the eight military colleges were located in the South The North had a strong Naval tradition
Advantages/Disadvantages South One-third of the people were slaves The South had to set up armories and foundries after the war began The South could produce a lot of food The South had the best leadership Southerners felt that they were fighting for a cause North Twice as many people living here Industry gave the North an economic advantage Produce 90% of the nation’s pig-iron Most of the nation’s railroad tracks were found here The North also controlled the treasury and could continue to collect tariffs Legal Tender Act passed by Congress
Party Politics Many Northern Democrats and Republicans challenged Lincoln’s policies, once the war began. Lincoln wanted to preserve the Union, even if that meant allowing slavery to continue. The War Democrats supported the Civil War and restoring the Union. They did not want to end slavery. The Peace Democrats, referred to by Republicans as Copperheads, opposed the war. In 1862 Congress passed a law that required the states to use conscription, or the draft. Lincoln also suspended the writ of habeas corpus – a person’s right not to be imprisoned unless charged with a crime and given a trial.
The First Modern War New military technology. New Tactics Cone shaped bullets Iron Clad ships Cannon shot that would explode on impact New Tactics Huge armies made up of civilian volunteers Trench warfare and barricades were used Attrition – the wearing down of one side Soldiers and resources The Anaconda Plan
Mobilizing Troops Confederate reinforcements at the First Battle of Bull Run were led by Thomas J. Jackson, or “Stonewall” Jackson. one of the most effective commanders in the Confederate army The Union Army commander was General Irwin McDowell. He would panic at the sign of Confederate reinforcements, and order his troops to retreat.
Naval War The Union navy had blockaded all Confederate ports by 1862, except for Charleston, South Carolina, and Wilmington, North Carolina. Lincoln wanted to cut the South’s trade from the rest of the world. The Union couldn’t stop all of the blockade runners, small, fast vessels, used by the South to smuggle goods past the blockade.
War in the West Union troops were led by Ulysses S. Grant Wanted to control the Cumberland and Tennessee Rivers – this would cut TN in two Grant had victories at Forts Henry and Donelson Grants troops launched a surprise attack at Shiloh – the Union army was victorious, however; they suffered twenty thousand casualties
War in the West Confederate troops led by General Braxton Bragg invaded Kentucky. They were stopped by General Don Carlos Buell at the Battle of Perryville. Buell was ordered by Lincoln to seize Chattanooga and cut the rail lines that passed there to deprive the Confederacy of supplies they needed. Buell moved too slowly and Lincoln replaced him with General William Rosecrans. Bragg’s forces attacked Rosecrans’ forces near Murfreesboro. Union reinforcements convinced Bragg to retreat to Chattanooga.
War in the East General George B. McClellan took over the Union army in the east after General McDowell’s loss at the First Battle of Bull Run. The Union wanted to capture Richmond. McClellan took too long to capture Yorktown. This gave the Confederates time to move troops to protect Richmond Joseph Johnston attacked McClellan’s troops. Divided McClellan’s forces The Union suffered great casualties
War in the East Robert E. Lee took over Johnston’s forces and began a series of attacks against McClellan known as the Seven Days’ Battle. Heavy Union casualties Lee then attacked Union forces surrounding Washington D.C. This was known as the Second Battle of Bull Run Union troops had to retreat and the Confederate troops were just 20 miles from D.C. The Battle of Antietam followed. This was the bloodiest one-day battle of the war. (23,000) McClellan inflicted so many casualties on the Confederate army that Lee decided to retreat to Virginia. This convinced Lincoln to put an end to slavery.
The Emancipation Proclamation September of 1862 Lincoln announced that he would free all enslaved persons in states in rebellion after January 1, 1863 The Emancipation Proclamation changed the Civil War from a conflict over preserving the Union to a war to free the slaves.