Friday - February 15th, 2019 1. Write in your agenda – Outline is due today. Questions and answers are due today. I will grade what you turn in to me. If you are not finished, you will come in early the week after break to finish. I will be here at 8:15. When you finish the questions, staple them to the back of your paper, and keep it at your desk. 2. Get out your bell ringer. Make sure your name, roster numbers, and the dates are on both the front and back of your paper. 3. Put all of your other books in or under the basket. 4. Complete the bell ringer – Use a blue or black pen to fill the entire space.
Thursday- February 14th, 2019 1. Write in your agenda – I will be available for help or make ups every morning! Outlines due Friday! 2. Get out your bell ringer. Make sure your name, roster numbers, and the dates are on both the front and back of your paper. 3. Put all of your other books in or under the basket. Paper distributors hand out outlines. 4. Complete the bell ringer – Use a blue or black pen to fill the entire space. Read the evidence and explain what is wrong with the commentary. For example, the article, “Facts about Marketing to Children,” shows that “Advertising directed at children is estimated at over $15 billion annually-about 2.5 times more than it was in 1992” (92). Commentary 1 and 2 - They spend $15 billion a year just to market to youth and that my friends is tons of moolah. I mean like big bucks!
Wednesday- February 13th, 2019 1. Write in your agenda – I will be available for help or make ups Thursday and Friday mornings at 8:15. 2. No Bell Ringer – put no bell ringer for today’s date. Get out your Notes that say Evidence Tracker – 45% on one side and Required Research Articles on the other side. Evidence Tracker – Check the page numbers for your articles. The articles are hanging on the wall. You may walk over and look at them for a reference. DO NOT remove them. AC - You were told to use each article once and then to choose one to use twice. On Level – You were told to use each article but one. Check to make sure that you wrote the titles correctly. You needed to copy mine. Organizer – Make sure you have a rough thesis: Advertisers influence the lives of youth by Reason 1 – Verb + main idea of topic sentence Reason 2 – Verb + main idea of topic sentence Reason 3 – Verb + main idea of topic sentence All of your verbs must be different. Reason 1 – impacting the health of everyone Reason 2 – creating addictions to nicotine Reason 3 – causing increased costs for the health care system
In-Text Citation If you use the title in your lead in and there is no author. For example, the article, “Facts about Marketing to Children,” shows that “Advertising directed at children is estimated at over $15 billion annually-about 2.5 times more than it was in 1992” (92). You only need the page number because the article title is in the lead in. For example, in the article “Statement of Commissioner,” the author states that “The average child sees tens of thousands of commericials a year” (Copps 108) If there is an author’s last name then you must use it in the citation unless you use it in the lead in. For example, the author Copps states that “The average child sees tens of thousands of commericials a year” (108).
Body Paragraphs- B and E Evidence with Lead in, MLA citation, and Transition: Transition, Lead in, Quote - For example, the article, “Facts about Marketing to Children,” shows that “Advertising directed at children is estimated at over $15 billion annually-about 2.5 times more than it was in 1992” (92). Transition: For example, Lead In: You must have either a person’s name, an article title, or an organization. Evidence: “Advertising directed at children is estimated at over $15 billion annually-about 2.5 times more than it was in 1992” (92). You must type some of the evidence and put an in-text citation. MLA Citation (92).
What is wrong? For example, the article shows that “Advertising directed at children is estimated at over $15 billion annually-about 2.5 times more than it was in 1992” (92). For example, the article, “Facts about Marketing to Children,” shows that advertising costs a lot each year(92). For example, the author shows that “Advertising directed at children is estimated at over $15 billion annually-about 2.5 times more than it was in 1992” (92). For example, the article, “Facts about Marketing to Children,” shows that “refer to evidence tracker” (92).
Labeled Body Paragraph- You have a copy in your packet.
Transitions- You may also use the ones in the model paragraph, but only use each transition once. Evidence Counter-argument Addition Consequence/Result Summary For example, For instance, To illustrate, In other words, As an illustration, In particular, Specifically, Namely, On the contrary, Contrarily, Notwithstanding, However, Nevertheless, In spite of, In contrast, On one hand, On the other hand, At the same time, While this may be true, In addition to, Furthermore, Moreover, Besides, Another reason, Equally important, Further, Therefore, Likewise, Similarly, In fact, In the same way, As a result, Consequently, Accordingly, For this reason, Since _____, Due to ____, Finally, Lastly, In conclusion, In summary,