Description of physical factor What happens and explanation


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Presentation transcript:

Population Density Where People Live and Why Match the description to the explanation Description of physical factor What happens and explanation Fertile soils on river banks, like the Ganges river in India Are sparsely populated Because they are too dry so there is no water for the population to drink... High rugged mountainous regions, like the Himalayas Are empty places Because they are too steep to build on, there are limited roads so people cannot live here.... Hot, dry desert spaces like the Sahara desert in Africa Because the are is not accessible due to dense forest, people cannot get here which is why it is under populated. Rich volcanic soils like the soils of the Great Rift Valley in Kenya, or Mt Vesuvius in Italy Because they are too cold to live comfortably as heating is too expensive. Soils are often frozen so farming cannot happen... Dark, dense, remote rainforest areas like the Amazon in Brazil Are busy dense places Because a rivers flood plain is flat and fertile, this is excellent for farming and means there is food for people there... Cold northern territories like Siberia and Northern Russia. Are highly populated Because volcanic soils are not only good for farming to get food for people, they also attract tourist which make people money.

Population Density Colour code the physical and human factors that influence where people live Climate of the area Industry can create jobs Quality of soil Availability of jobs Natural hazards like floods and earthquakes Quality of trade links Quality of education in area The height of the land Communication networks The relief, shape or slope of the land

Description of development Development Why are some countries under developed? Match the description to the explanation Description of development What happens, explain link to development A low adult literacy Means the country has a poor economy. They are not making a lot of money from selling their products and services. Industry could be lacking or they could be selling low value items. DEVELOPING COUNTRY A low GNP (Gross National Product) Means the a lot of the population cannot read and write. This suggests that education in a country is poor. Perhaps they cannot afford to train teachers and give free schooling. DEVELOPING COUNRTY A high energy usage per person Means people in the country are able to access electricity, which shows they have good power supplies. This also shows that households can afford to buy energy and that Industry is using a lot of it for manufacturing and production. DEVELOPED COUNTRY A high birth rate Means that people are having a lot of babies. This shows that contraception and family planning is lacking. This could also indicate that people want large families to help with working on the farm.

Development Developing or Developed Decide wither these statements are for developed or developing countries Developed Developing Birth rate of 35/1000 5 doctors per 1000 Life expectancy of 79 32% Adult literacy $849 GNP per person 4 TVS per 1000 90% of population with access to high speed broadband 2 in 5 live below the poverty line (£1 a day) Average school years = 5 1 in 4 children die before 5th birthday 82 % of the population employed in agriculture (farming) Death rate of 9/1000 $21589 GNP per person 78 % of people employed in service industry (doctors, retail, teachers) Low infant mortality rate 247 hospital beds per 1000 Think about why these show how developed a country is....