UNIT 4 Chapter 15 Notes Page 30 in notebook QUIZ #17
Feeding the world p. 407 FAMINE – widespread starvation caused by food shortage MALNUTRITION – not enough CALORIES consumed DIET – type and amount of food one eats GRAINS – most commonly produced food, the grass family rich in carbohydrates YIELD – amount of food that can be produced in a given area, EFFICIENCY SUBSISTENCE FARMING – grow only enough food for local use
Agriculture p. 413 Basic farming– plowing, fertilization, irrigation, pest control ARABLE LAND – land used to grow crops takes up 10% TOPSOIL – organic matter (HUMUS), fertile soil SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE – farming that conserves resources and keeps land usable
SOIL ENRICHMENT - COMPOST – partly decomposed organic material SALINIZATION – accumulation of salts in soil EROSION – movement of rock and soil by wind and water LAND DEGRADATION - DESERTIFICATION – process by which land becomes desert like
Pest Control p. 417 PEST CONTROL – PEST, PESTICIDES - RESISTANCE – pest to survive exposure to pesticide PERSISTENT – when pesticides do not break down into harmless chemicals (Example DDT) PEST MANAGEMENT BIOLOGICAL PEST CONTROL – use living organisms to control pest PATHOGENS –- bacteria used to control pests such as BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS
Animals and agriculture p. 426 DOMESTICATED – born and managed for human use OVERHARVESTING – catching more organisms than can be replaced AQUACULTURE – raising aquatic organisms for food