THE WATER CYCLE!!!!! Vocabulary Condensation Precipitation Transpiration Runoff Infiltration Evaporation the water cycle is how water gets recycled through and about earth...mainly going from the ocean and coming back to the ocean Condensation: the conversion of a vapor or gas to a liquid. Precipitation: rain, snow, sleet, or hail that falls to the ground. Transpiration: essentially evaporation of water from plant leaves. Runoff: the draining away of water (or substances carried in it) from the surface of an area of land, a building or structure, etc. Infiltration: the process by which water on the ground surface enters the soil Evaporation: when liquid turns into gas
ask student to name types of precipitation
WAIT SO WHY IS WATER IMPORTANT? ? ? ? I’M NEUTRAL!! pH = 7 WAIT SO WHY IS WATER IMPORTANT? ? ? ? I’M A UNIVERSAL SOLVENT water is important because it is has a neutral ph of 7...which makes it drinkable! and it is a universal solvent...which means many substances can dissolve in water (can be used in chemisry)
REVERSIBLE Chemical Property Physical Property vs ask students if they know the difference between a physical property and a chemical one quiz them: physical: chopping lettuce, cutting hair chemical: lighting a match, baking a cake Physical Property:If you change something physically, it may look, act, or feel different, but it is still the same thing. The molecules haven't changed. For example, if you tear a piece of paper it looks different, but it is still a piece of paper. vs. Chemical Property:Matter can also change and become something completely different, that is called a CHEMICAL CHANGE. A chemical change is irreversible; that means it cannot change back. REVERSIBLE IRREVERSIBLE
Adhesion vs Cohesion Adhesion: The force of attraction that causes two different substances to join Cohesion: molecules causes drops to form in liquids they are opposites!
Capillary Action Surface Tension water sticks to plant (adhesion) capillary action: when water moves its way up (gets sucked up) …. used for water to travel up the stems of plants and leaves during transpiration! Surface Tension: the tension of the surface film of a liquid caused by the attraction of the particles in the surface layer by the bulk of the liquid Water also sticks to other drops (cohesion)
YAY THIS ICE FLOATS BECAUSE IT IS LESS DENSE THAN LIQUID WATER SO I CAN STAND ON IT!!! WATER IS SO SPECIAL BECAUSE ITS SOLID FORM IS NOT AS HEAVY AS ITS LIQUID FORM!!!! DENSITY!!! Density: the degree of compactness of a substance different phases of water have different densities because of how many particles and how close they are to each other ask students which phase they think is most/ least dense most dense: water because many particles clumped all together least dense: gas because few particles moving freely and slowly
most of earth’s water is from oceans… and 2 most of earth’s water is from oceans… and 2.5% from freshwater that we use to drink Oceans: 96.5% Other Saline Water: 0.9% Freshwater: 2.5% Distribution of Freshwater Glaciers and Ice Caps: 68.7% Groundwater: 30.1% Surface Water and other Freshwater: 1.2% Distribution of Surface Water Ground Ice and Permafrost: 69.0% Lakes: 20.9% Soil Moisture: 3.8% Swamps, Marshes: 2.6%