Serial episode 6 Vocabulary review
jarring Causing a shock or jolt; causing an unpleasant feeling. ADJECTIVE The telephone struck a jarring note as it rang out in the silence of the night.
Foreshadowing An indication of something coming up in the future. When Mary received a call in the middle of the night she believed it to be foreshadowing a tragic event about to happen.
Reconvene To come together in a gathering VERB We had two snow days last week, so the students could not reconvene until the following Tuesday.
Conspicuous Easily seen; standing out ADJECTIVE He showed conspicuous bravery when he ran back into the burning building to save his dog.
Eavesdropping Listening in on a private conversation VERB I couldn’t help but eavesdrop on my mom and sister to hear a bit about my surprise party.
Co-Conspirator Someone who shares in a scheme or plot NOUN Most readers see Jay as a co-conspirator in the killing of Hae after he admits to helping bury the body.
Inundate To overwhelm, to flood When I researched the podcast Serial on the internet, I was inundated with facts, theories, and information about Adnan Syed.
Devious Crooked or Shifty; Up to No Good ADJECTIVE The criminals had a devious plan to lure the home owner out of the house so they could easily steal the safe.
HOSTILE Acting unfriendly; or like an enemy ADJECTIVE My friend and I had a fight, but when I tried to apologize, all I could sense was hostility from her.
Exculpatory To clear from guilt or fault VERB Adnan’s nice guy personality does not serve as exculpatory evidence proving that he is innnocent.