Vocabulary and Misplaced Modifiers Bellwork Week 3 The Devil's Arithmetic Vocabulary and Misplaced Modifiers Bellwork Week 3
Tuesday February 21 1. mortified –(v) cause (someone) to feel embarrassed, ashamed, or humiliated. 2. appalled – (past tense v.) greatly dismay or horrify. 3. jostle – (v) push, elbow, or bump against (someone) roughly, typically in a crowd. 4. dour-(adj.) relentlessly severe, stern, or gloomy in manner or appearance 5. lucid- (adj) expressed clearly; easy to understand.
Tuesday Homework Create a crossword puzzle with the 5 words from today. Give clues so that someone can solve the puzzle tomorrow. Make sure you have boxes to fill in and that the words fit together.
Wednesday, February 22 Directions: Write out the words and definitions. 6. decree- (noun) an official order issued by a legal authority 7. desecrate- (verb) treat (a sacred place or thing) with violent disrespect; violate 8. billet-( noun) a place, usually a civilian's house or other nonmilitary facility, where soldiers are lodged temporarily. 9. alienate –(verb) cause (someone) to feel isolated or estranged. 10. dangling modifier- structuring your sentence incorrectly so the description is not applied to a concept. (Ex: Swinging at the tennis ball, a stab of pain in Joey’s elbow was felt).
Thursday, February 23 Write out your own thoughts in complete sentences. When was a time you felt alienated? When was a time you were appalled? When was a time that you mortified someone? Correct the dangling modifier. My family bonds every night having dinner together.
Friday, February 24 Draw a picture and label the following words. 1. desecrate 2. jostle 3. dour Fix the following sentence by correcting the misplaced modifiers. 4. The queen summonsed all eligible maidens issuing a royal decree. 5. My dad shook his head with appalled saddness, removing his glasses.