I’ve got rhythm! Saplings: Autumn Term 1 Week 1 & 2 - Story –. Animal group stories Maths - Counting Literacy-environmental sounds & Fred talk Self portraits Literacy – RWI games Setting class and group rules, agreeing our class charter. Week 3 - Story – Animal group stories Maths – Recognising and ordering numbers Literacy – RWI m a s d t Signs of Autumn Week 4 Story – The Dot Maths – Money, paying for snacks Literacy – RWI i n p g o Colours of Autumn Open Classroom Tuesday 25th September Week 5 Story – The Dot Maths – Money, paying for snacks Literacy – RWI c k u b f Harvest Week 6 Story – The Dot & Ish 3.30-4.30pm Maths - Shape Literacy – RWI e l h sh r Week 7 Story – The Dot & Ish Maths - Shape Literacy – RWI j v y w th Dotty day In Physical Development we will be focusing on gymnastics and dance. In Art and Design we will be exploring drawing and colour-mixing. We will also be working on our ‘I’ve Got Rythmn!’’ project. In RE we will be looking at what makes people special. We will also be learning a song and prayer for our harvest festival and finding out what harvest means to us. In Personal and Social development we will be looking at ‘being me in my world’ and thinking about believing that we can. We will also be setting class and group rules. In our Understanding of the World, we will be exploring our environment and noticing the effects of changes in season – looking for signs of Autumn. In Music time we will be exploring environmental sounds and learning new songs for harvest. We will be listening to lots of different rhythms and making some of our own. I’ve got rhythm! We enjoy cooking in Saplings and eating what we have cooked! Each week we plan to cook with the children, developing skills such as cutting, rolling, grating and mixing etc. In order to do so we need to ask for a contribution of 50p per week. This year you can either pay £19 for the full year, or half-termly. If you wish to pay half-termly, the first instalment is £3. Please give this to your child’s key person. This term we will be learning how to use a knife safely and practising our cutting and spreading skills Key Dates for your diary – 19th Sept – Beat Goes On workshops. 25th September - Open classrooms 3:30pm – 5.00pm 26th September – Vision screening by NHS for Reception children 3rd October - 2.30pm – ‘Reading meeting’ 11th Oct – Harvest festival at St Swithun’s Church – 10.00am W/C 15th October – Parents/carers’ consultation meetings 22-26 October HALF TERM 29 Oct - INSET – staff training day – children not in school Saplings: Autumn Term 1 Welcome to the first half of the Autumn Term (Autumn 1). We have an exciting term ahead planned. We are looking forward to getting to know all of the children’s interests and using them in our planning to motivate them in their learning and play. . We will be setting our class rules and agreeing to our class charter and will be finding out how to be a good learner. Our big idea this half term is “ I’ve Got Rhythm!’. We will also be using the book ‘The Dot’ to help us think about believing that we can. On 25th September you are invited to come to the classrooms after school to see what we have been doing in our ‘I’ve Got Rhythm!’ topic. We will also be celebrating Harvest festival at St Swithun’s Church, Kennington with Key Stage One, on the 11th October.