GOATS SHEEP You may wish to use a music track underneath the PowerPoint. We often use an instrumental version of Elbow’s, One day like this. Once you click forward from this slide, the reflection moves on automatically until the next slide which says “sheep and goats”. You can then invite people to read the final prayer “Here and now, Lord” together.
When the Son of Man comes in his glory… he will sit on the throne of glory. All the nations will be gathered before him and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates sheep from goats and he will say to those on his right…
“ ” hungry thirsty a stranger naked sick in prison Come, you that are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you hungry thirsty a stranger naked for I was sick in prison ” and you cared for me.
HUNGRY When I was you gave me food Country: Honduras Picture credit: Sophie Stanes An alternative fair trade network for helping rural farmers with agriculture, providing technical support for communities enabling them to sustain themselves, working on small businesses, co-operatives and micro-enterprise, and helping people get their produced distributed, marketed and sold. They now have a network of community stores and even their own currency! CAFOD Partner: COMAL
When I was THIRSTY you gave me a drink Solomon Islands
When I was A STRANGER you welcomed me
When I was NAKED you clothed me
SICK When I was you cared for me PHOTO CREDIT: Simon Rawles/CAFOD DATE: 01/01/2009 COUNTRY: Nigeria LOCATION: Zing Local Government, Taraba State, North East Nigeria CAPTION: a blood pressure monitor at the ante-natal outpost in Bitako village CAFOD PARTNER: Yakoko primary health clinic SICK you cared for me
When I was IN PRISON you visited me
Just as you did it to one of these who are members of my family, you did it to me. Matthew 25.31-46
GOATS SHEEP Photo credits: Sophie Stanes, Claire Goudsmit, Thomas Omondi, Simon Rawles
we place before you simply some of the seven billion people Here and now, Lord, we place before you simply some of the seven billion people with whom we share this world. Although we may never meet them, nor even know their names, we place them in your loving care. Hold them. Guide them. Be with them. May they be full of your love, and share it with those they meet, as we, once more, commit ourselves to do the same. Amen. © Stephen Davies/CAFOD