2 OBJECTIVES At the end of this session we will be able to know the following; 1.Foods that are beneficial for fasting 2.Foods to avoid & their alternatives 3.Ways to prevent getting thirsty during fasting 4.Reasons for weight gain during Ramadan 5.Benefits of fasting
3 Fasting is complete abstinence from food and drink between dawn and dusk. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar to commemorate the first revelation of the Quran to Muhammad
5 Complex Carbohydrates Barley WheatOats Millets Semolina Beans FOODS THAT ARE BENEFICIAL DURING FASTING
6 Wholemeal Flour LentilsBasmati Rice
7 FIBRE-RICH FOODS Bran Cereals Whole Wheat Grains And Seeds
8 FOODS TO AVOIDHEALTHY ALTERNATIVE FOODS Deep fried foods like samosas, fried dumplings Whole grains e.g. chick peas plain, samosas baked instead of fried and boiled dumplings High sugar / high fat foods e.g. Ghulab Jamun, Rasgullay, Balushahi, Baklawa cakes & chocolates etc Milk-based sweets and puddings such as Rasmalai, Barfee, mahalabiya etc High fat cooked foods such as parhattas, oily curries, greasy pastries Alternate with chapattis made without oil, kubos, baked or grilled meat and chicken. Cooking Methods To AvoidAlternative Cooking Methods Deep frying Shallow frying, usually there is very little difference in taste Frying Grilling or baking is healthier and helps retain the taste and original flavour of the food, especially chicken and fish Foods that contains excessive oil like CurriesMeasure oil used in cooking & gradually reduced oil content.
9 H OW T O P REVENT G ETTING T HIRSTY D URING R AMADAN 1. Drink more water in between non fasting hours. 2. Avoid hot & spicy dishes. 3.Do not add too much salt to salads and other dishes & avoid eating salty foods.
10 5. Drink fresh fruit juices rather than sweetened juices Do NOT drink cold water to break your fast! 4.Eat fresh fruits & vegetables.
11 What are the reasons for weight gain during Ramadan? Eating continuously. Inactivity Consuming large portions of food more than the usual. Eating fried food and high fat and calorie foods in big amounts. Going Out For Iftar Or Inviting Guests
12 HEALTH BENEFITS OF FASTING 1. Fasting can be used to normalize our weight. 2. Lowers one's blood glucose level. 3. Reduces hunger.
13 4. Skin problems also disappear as the rest of the body is cleansed. 6. Help people to break addictions to harmful substances: tobacco, drugs, alcohol, tea, coffee, and other habit-forming beverages. 5. It will make you younger.