House of Delegates and PTA Caucus


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Presentation transcript:

House of Delegates and PTA Caucus HOD and PTAC House of Delegates and PTA Caucus

APTA Governance •The HOD (House of Delegates) is similar to Congress or the state legislature •Formally deliberates policy and has the power to charge the BOD (Board of Directors) to carry out activities on the behalf of the Association •Operates according to bylaws and follows Special Rules of Order (Robert’s Rules) and the Parliamentary authority •APTA Basics of Parliamentary Procedure Powerpoint •The governance process allows for the ability of those with differing viewpoints to come together, discuss and debate an issue, often with passion, in an arena that allows for the majority to rule, but which requires the rights of the minority be protected.

Examples of Past HOD Work Here is an example of the work of the HOD in 2013, with updating of a position from 2000

Here is an example of one that was debated and did not get passed but then came back again

Composition of the HOD •Voting Participants = 400 participants (each state gets minimum 2 votes) •Non-voting participants – can bring motions, second motions, make amendments, speak and debate •18 Section Delegates •5 Member PTA Caucus Delegates •2 Student Assembly Delegates •15 Member Board of Directors •And Consultants (Reference Committee, Ethics and Judicial Committee, ABPTS, ACAPT, staff designated by CEO/BOD Source: APTA Delegates Overview PPT

Wisconsin Delegation •Chief Delegate (3-year term) •11 delegates (2-year term) •1 alternate delegate (1-year term) •1 PTA Caucus representative (3-year term) •1 alternate PTA Caucus representative (3-year term) The number of delegates for each state is determined by the number of APTA members in the state

Decision Making •Vote: What is in the best interest of the profession of the whole The delegation does not vote in a block but as individuals •Debate: Represent viewpoint based on perspective of one’s component/chapter and practice experience •Actively listen – don’t be preparing a response but listen with the goal of seeking to understand •Move the progression in the direction of the Vision – every motion

Collaborative Roles Source: APTA Delegate Overview PPT

BOD Officers - elected by the delegates •President •Vice President •Secretary •Treasurer •Speaker of the House of Delegates •Vice Speaker of the House of Delegates All of these are 3-year terms and there are also 9 directors and Nominating Committee members who are elected by the delegates. Talk about Kip and Sue from Wisconsin. Nominating Committee in general

BOD Responsibilities •All members of the BOD (the 6 officers of the APTA together with 9 directors): •Carry out the mandates and policies of the APTA as determined by the HOD •Direct all business and financial affairs for and on behalf of the APTA, be responsible for all of its property and funds, and provide for an annual audit by a certified public accountant •Foster the growth and development of the APTA

Intersecting Roles of HOD and BOD •BOD -> informs HOD of current initiatives and priorities •BOD -> figures out how to fit in new initiatives from HOD with ongoing initiatives and maximize resources •Staff -> informs HOD of current initiatives •Staff provides expertise on various topics –impact of the HOD decisions on the APTA •HOD articulates desired outcomes of motions – what does the HOD expect to happen

Preparation for the HOD and Motions at the HOD

Preparation •Delegates must: • read and educate themselves about each motion and stay current with all information found on the HOD HUB (community page) • read motions, background information, reports, and delegate comments • reflect on how this information relates to achieving APTA’s Vision •By the time the actual HOD is in session, the main motions should all be thoroughly reviewed by the delegates There are virtual town hall meetings led by the Reference Committee to discuss motions and the implications

Main Motions at the HOD • Robert’s Rules of Order are followed • The maker of the motion arises and states “I move that…” and another member seconds the motion. • The maker reads a support statement and then debate begins. • The Speaker puts the question (puts it to a vote) and announces the result of the vote. The Speaker of the HOD states the question after the motion is seconded.

Work for 2019 HOD - examples of RCs HOD RC 13-19 Amend: The Role of Physical Therapy in Safe Patient Handling and Mobility (HOD P06-12-21-20) HOD 56-19 Adopt: Naloxone Availability Where Physical Therapist Services are Provided HOD RC 30-19 Amend: Code of Ethics for the Physical Therapist HOD RC 31-19 Amend: Standards of Ethical Conduct for the Physical Therapist Assistant Proposal to add a reporting requirement using verbatim language adopted in 2018 in Sexual Harassment (HOD P06-18-24-28) Here are just a few of the 70 proposed motions - although there will still be updates prior to the HOD meeting This first one - I mentioned earlier - contemporizes all language and makes it consistent

PTA Caucus

PTAC What? The PTA Caucus represents the physical therapist assistants' interests, needs, and issues in APTA governance. Who? The PTA Caucus includes the Chief Delegate, four Delegates at Large, an Alternate Delegate, and 52 PTA Caucus Representatives. Why? PTA Delegates are the voice of the PTA Caucus during APTA's House of Delegates (House). PTAs are not allowed to be Delegates to the HOD and do not have a direct vote on the floor.

Business of the Caucus Annual business meeting occurs the two days prior to the start of the HOD Town Hall at CSM Virtual town halls throughout the year Monthly regional calls Taskforce calls

Work of the Caucus Last year’s update to the HOD document “Direction and Supervision of the Physical Therapist Assistant” “PTAs may be appropriately utilized in components of intervention and in collection of selected examination and outcomes data.” Removal of words “technically educated healthcare provider” and “associate degree” Medicare Differential Tricare This year’s HOD RCs 32-19 Amend Core Values for the Physical Therapist This change would eliminate “Value-based Behaviors for the PTA” and change the Physical Therapist document to be “Core Values for the Physical Therapy Profession” RC 32-19 Oregon, Washington, and Caucus