9th Science I (1st Tri) Grading: Daily Assignments (20%) S.E. Work Related Behaviors (10%) Work Related Behaviors (10%) Quizzes (10%) Tests (25%) Required Projects/Papers (15%) Final Test (10%)
9th Science I 93-100 A 90-92 A- 87-89 B+ 83-86 B 80-82 B- 77-79 C+ The following percentages will guarantee the following grades 93-100 A 90-92 A- 87-89 B+ 83-86 B 80-82 B- 77-79 C+ 73-76 C 70-72 C- 67-69 D+ 62-66 D 0-62 F
9th Science I A major goal of Career and Technical Education is to develop the positive habits and behaviors of Commitment to Quality Work Habits and Attitudes Communication Interpersonal Effectiveness Attendance and Punctuality as they relate to success in the World of Work *** See handout on “Work Related Behaviors”***
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) 9th Science I SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Each Student enrolled in an Agricultural Class is required to maintain some type of project. Projects can fall into one of four categories – Production (livestock, crops, etc.) Placement (working in an agricultural business) Home Improvement Group The purpose of the SAE is to enable a student to put into practice the scientific principles studied in the classroom
If interested or need more information talk to Mr. Faire 9th Science I FFA Students enrolled in Agricultural Classes are encouraged to join the FFA. The primary purpose of the FFA is to help members develop leadership qualities. If interested or need more information talk to Mr. Faire
NOTEBOOKS (see parent/guardian letter) 9th Science I Class Requirements: NOTEBOOKS (see parent/guardian letter) Grading of Notebooks – Ten Papers/Assignments in the Notebook will be selected to grade, each worth 10 points. Is it Listed in Table of Contents Is it on the Correct page in Notebook 2pts. - Name 2pts. - Assignment Description 2pts. - Page Number of Assignment (if from text) or Number all pages of assignment if multiple pages 2pts. - Date 2pts. – Complete (corrected in class)