World War I
Unit Goal This will be an essay test. No notes will be allowed. List and describe the causes of the First World War. Then describe how the war began. Who was to blame? Describe how the First World War ended. Identify and explain the difficulties in the peace process that would lead to another war.
Causes of the First World War Imperialism Militarism Hiram Maxim – Machine Gun Naval arms race between Britain and Germany
Machine Guns: Arms Race
Machine Guns: Arms Race
HMS Dreadnought: Naval Arms Race
HMS Queen Elizabeth: Naval Arms Race
Battleships: Naval Arms Race
Causes of the First World War Nationalism Tensions between new states Tensions between various ethnic groups Alliance System
Alliances Resulted from the Franco-Prussian War of 1870 Triple Entente: France, Russia, Britain Britain only pledged to the defense of Belgium
Alliances Triple Alliance Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy All major nations will also have alliances with the smaller nations: Russia and Serbia, Britain and Belgium
Events Leading to World War I Murder of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary
Austria Hungary Created in 1867 because of a nationalist revolt in Hungary 2 nations ruled by the same man Foreign policy and military are run jointly Ruled by the Emperor Franz Joseph (r. 1847-1917)
Franz-Joseph Hapsburg Family ruled southeast Europe and the Balkans
The Balkans The Balkans, the southeastern corner of Europe, were called the “Powder Keg of Europe”
Emperor Franz Josef
Franz Ferdinand and Family
Serbia Created in 1878 Wanted to unite southeast Europe under her control – Greater Serbia Used terrorism Created the Black Hand Gavrilo Princep shot the Archduke in Sarajevo on June 28, 1914
Franz Ferdinand Arriving in Sarajevo
Franz Ferdinand and Sophie
Franz Ferdinand’s Final Photo
Gavrilo Princep
Princep’s Apprehension
Murder Site
War Begins Murder brings in all the alliances Germany puts the Schlieffen Plan into effect
The Schlieffen Plan Plan to fight Russia and France at the same time Based on railroad timetables Take out France first, then turn around and attack Russia Because France was attacked, Russia attacked Germany
The attack through Belgium brought Britain into the war Attack quickly bogged down. First Battle of the Marne, September 1914 Race to the Sea Trench Warfare by October
Sides in the War Central Powers Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria Allies Britain, France, Russia (left in 1918), Italy, (joined 1915), United States (joined 1917), Japan
New Weapons
Railroad Guns
Tanks (Little Willie)
St. Chamond
Renault Tank
Sopwith Pup
Albatross D
Handley-Page Bomber
David Lloyd George
Georges Clemenceau
Vittorio Orlando
Woodrow Wilson
Kaiser Wilhelm II
Tsar Nicholas II
End of World War I April 1917 United States enters the war Unrestricted Submarine Warfare February 1918 Russia signs the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk and leaves the war
The Fourteen Points By late October Germany was ready to surrender. Surrender offer based on U.S. peace plan, the Fourteen Points Peace plan created with no input from the Allies
The Fourteen Points An end to all secret treaties. Freedom of the seas for all nations. Removal of all economic barriers. Reduction of national armaments. Fair adjustment of colonial claims.
The Fourteen Points Establishment of a “general association of nations.” Plan rejected by the Allies Britain and France wanted revenge
End of World War I U.S troops enter battle in August, 1918. Germany asks for an armistice in early November. Armistice takes effect on November 11, 1918 at 11 AM.
The Treaty of Versailles Peace treaty that ended World War I. Germany forced to sign the treaty. Germany blamed for starting the war. Germany had to make reparations to the Allies.
The Treaty of Versailles Germany lost territory. Germany stripped of colonies. Army limited to 100,000. Not allowed to have tanks and airplanes. Could not manufacture large weapons.
The Treaty of Versailles Treaty caused huge resentment. Other treaties: Austria-Hungary split into two nations New nation created in Eastern Europe.
Europe 1914
Europe 1919
Reparations Cycle Germany Britain/France United States Reparations Loans War Loans
In October 1929, the New York Stock Market crashed. Destroyed the cycle.