Hottest, Coldest, Highest, Deepest Day 4
Question of the Day What features make some animals the largest or smallest in the world?
Phonics Objectives Associate / r/ with the letters that spell it. Review irregular plurals. Blend and read words that contain / r/. Apply decoding strategies: blend longer words.
Phonics The leaf stuck to my foot. We studied irregular plurals. Read the sentence to yourself. Raise your hand when you think you know the plural forms of the words leaf and foot. How did you know? Now read this sentence and raise your hand if you know the plural forms of elf and child. In the story, the elf gave the child three wishes.
Decode Longer Words knife knives sheep sheep hoof hooves ox oxen wife wives woman women tooth teeth wolf wolves person people
Read the Words in Context Uncle Jack cut the meat with a sharp knife. The horse needs a new shoe for its hoof. The farmer hitched the ox to the plow. Mom helped me put up the shelf in my room. Eek! I just saw a mouse! Make up another sentence using the plural form of the underlined word in each sentence.
Small Group Read “Great and Small”, pages 56 - 59
Fluency – Silent Reading Read pp. 46–49 three times silently, remembering the help received from partners on Day 3.
Grammar Day 4
Objectives Define and identify subject and object pronouns. Use subject and object pronouns in writing. Become familiar with pronoun assessment on high-stakes tests.
Daily Fix-it Is Africas river the longest in the world. Many unusuall animals lives there. Many unusual animals live there.
Standardized Tests Test Tip You may be asked to identify the correct pronoun in a phrase such as Jane and I or Terry and her. Decide whether the subject pronoun or object pronoun is correct by saying the sentence with just the pronoun and not the rest of the phrase. Example: I climbed the mountain. Jane and I climbed the mountain. Jane showed her our pictures. Jane showed Terry and her our pictures.
Writing Day 4
Objectives Identify the characteristics of a description. Write a description of a setting using an engaging style. Focus on word choice. Use a rubric. Genre Description Writer's Craft Style Writing Trait Word Choice
Editing/Revising Checklist Does the description have facts and sensory details about an interesting setting? Does the description have a recognizable style? Are subject and object pronouns used correctly? Are words that include vowels with r spelled correctly? Illustrate your setting when you finish.
Spelling Day 4
Test Time!