Bullpup Football Route Tree X Z T Y F 4/28/2019 Bullpup Football
Doubles Gun Right 60 & 61 Z & X 3 Step Slant (Outside foot back) T & Y 5 Yard Quick Out (Inside foot back) X Z T Y F 4/28/2019 Bullpup Football
Doubles Gun Left All 60 Z & X 5 Yard Dig (Outside foot back) T & F 3 Step Slant (Outside foot back) 4/28/2019 Bullpup Football
Doubles Gun Right 62 Z & X 1 Step Hitch T & Y Block or Clear F 4/28/2019 Bullpup Football
Doubles Gun Right 63 &65 Z & X 5 Yard Hitch ( Outside foot back) T & Y 5 Yard Vertical Stem to 45 Degree Cut outside aiming point 10 yards down field On 65 T & Y invert with Z & X X Z T Y F 4/28/2019 Bullpup Football
Doubles Gun Right 64 X & Z Run Fades, T & Y Up the pipe 4/28/2019 Bullpup Football
T Queen Max 18 @0 & 18 @ 1 T Alignment 1 n 1 from 5T, Pass Blocking, Y 12 back to 10 Out , Z 10 Yard Post, X cut split down 10 yard Drag X Z T Y F 4/28/2019 Bullpup Football
T Queen Max 18 @ 3 T Alignment 1 n 1 from 5T, Pass Blocking, Z 12 back to 10 Curl, Y Clear, X cut split down 10 yard Drag X Z T Y F 4/28/2019 Bullpup Football
Y King Max 19 @ 0 & 19 @ 1 Y Alignment 1 n 1 from 4T, Pass Blocking, T12 back to 10 Out , X 10 Yard Post, Z cut split down 10 yard Drag X Z T Y F 4/28/2019 Bullpup Football
Y King Max 19 @ 3 Y Alignment 1 n 1 from 4T, Pass Blocking, X 12 back to 10 Curl, T Clear, Z cut split down 10 yard Drag X Z T Y F 4/28/2019 Bullpup Football
Doubles Gun Right 37 Waggle T Drag 15 Yards across field Y 5 Yard Pigtail, Z Fly or Clear X Z T Y F 4/28/2019 Bullpup Football
Doubles Gun Right 36 Bootleg Y Drag 15 Yards across field T 5 Yard Pigtail, X Fly or Clear Z T Y F 4/28/2019 Bullpup Football
T Queen Max 18 Smash T Alignment 1 n1 from 5T, Pass Blocking, Y 10 yard vertical 45 degree cut outside aiming 15 yards down field, Z 63 X Z T Y F 4/28/2019 Bullpup Football
T Queen Max 18 Special Y runs Wheel route, Z runs 12 back to 10 Curl or @ 3 F 4/28/2019 Bullpup Football
T Queen Max 18 Special Post Y runs Wheel route, Z runs 10 Yard Post or @ 0 F 4/28/2019 Bullpup Football
Y King Max 19 Special T runs Wheel route, X runs 12 back to 10 Curl or @ 3 Z T Y F 4/28/2019 Bullpup Football
Y King Max 19 Special Post T runs Wheel route, X runs 10 Yard Post or @ 0 Z T Y F 4/28/2019 Bullpup Football
Y King Max 19 Smash T Alignment 1 n1 from 5T, Pass Blocking, Y 10 yard vertical 45 degree cut outside aiming 15 yards down field, Z 63 X Z T Y F 4/28/2019 Bullpup Football
Rockets Gun Right 18 Flood Z Clear, Y 15 Yard Out, T 5 Yard Out X Z T Y F 4/28/2019 Bullpup Football
Rockets Gun Left 60 K-9 Z Blocks #1, Y Blocks #2, T X Z T Y F 4/28/2019 Bullpup Football
Rockets Gun Left 60 Bullpup X Z T Y F 4/28/2019 Bullpup Football
Rockets Gun Left 28 Top Gun X Z T Y F 4/28/2019 Bullpup Football
T Queen 18 Leopard X Z T Y F 4/28/2019 Bullpup Football
Y King 19 Rabbit X Z T Y F 4/28/2019 Bullpup Football
T Queen18 Drag X Z T Y F 4/28/2019 Bullpup Football
Y King 19 Drag X Z Y T F 4/28/2019 Bullpup Football
4/28/2019 Bullpup Football