Item 6.2 Joint UNESCO/OECD/Eurostat ISCED 2011 operational manual and guidelines for data collections Eurostat-F5 Eurostat Education and Training Statistics Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013
ISCED 2011 implementation – manuals Strategy The joint UNESCO/OECD/Eurostat ISCED 2011 operational manual Timetable 25-26 April 2013 Eurostat Education and Training Statistics Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013
1. Strategy Work already started: UNESCO: draft manual started some months ago Eurostat and LSO network, together with the countries: Guidelines for the measurement of educational attainment: borderline cases, foreign qualifications, etc. OECD: implementation of ISCED 0 in data collections, classification of tertiary education programmes 25-26 April 2013 Eurostat Education and Training Statistics Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013
1. Strategy (cont.) Proposal for 2 types of documents: Joint UNESCO/OECD/Eurostat ISCED 2011 operational manual Implementation guidelines for data collections 2a. Guidelines for the measurement of educational attainment 2b. Guidelines for the joint UOE data collection 25-26 April 2013 Eurostat Education and Training Statistics Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013
2. Joint UNESCO/OECD/Eurostat operational manual Eurostat ISCED workshop, Feb. 2013: presentation of approach issues of common interest for all data collections as regards classifications of programmes and qualifications guidelines for data collections will make reference to it when needed (avoiding repetitions) INES WP, March 2013: presentation of draft content 25-26 April 2013 Eurostat Education and Training Statistics Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013
2. Joint UNESCO/OECD/Eurostat operational manual (cont.) Draft content Introduction One section per ISCED level 1-digit Definitions and classification criteria Boundaries, borderline cases Examples of programmes, i.e. from ISCED mappings Specific issues Annexes Summary table proposed by France (annex to doc. 2013-ETS-10) 25-26 April 2013 Eurostat Ed10ucation and Training Statistics Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013
Joint UNESCO/OECD/Eurostat ISCED 2011 operational manual Guidelines on the measurement of educational attainment Guidelines for UOE data collection Joint UNESCO/OECD/Eurostat ISCED 2011 operational manual UNESCO draft manual ISCED O Classification of tertiary education programmes ISCED 2 & 3: completion ISCED 2, partial compl. of ISCED 3 Boundaries ISCED 4-5: classification of short post-secondary progr. Boundaries ISCED 5-6: relationship with EQF, ISCED 97 "5B" Implementa-tion of "orientation" (incl. academ. /profess.) ….. ISCED 2011 operational manual: priority issues
3. Timetable Version 1 of ISCED 2011 operational manual: priority issues Educational attainment guidelines End of May 2013 First draft of Joint UNESCO/OECD/Eurostat operational manual October 2013 Discussion with countries (LSO, INES, ETS): ISCED operational manual Guidelines UOE data collection Educational attainment guidelines: draft version 2 Till beginning 2014 ISCED 2011 operational manual Educational attainment guidelines, version 2 Guidelines for the UOE data collection 2014, Quarter 1 25-26 April 2013 Eurostat Education and Training Statistics Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013