WRAP Overview and Role of Dust Forum Lee Alter Western Governors’ Association WRAP Dust Emissions Joint Forum Meeting Las Vegas, NV October 29, 2003
WRAP Overview Established in 1997 as successor to Grand Canyon Visibility Transport Commission Develop technical and policy tools needed by western states and tribes to comply with the U.S. EPA's regional haze regulations Address other common air quality issues raised by WRAP members Consensus-based process Receives ~ $4 million / year from EPA
WRAP Overview Members Other participants Governors of 13 states and 13 tribes Secretary of the Interior Secretary of Agriculture Administrator of the U.S. EPA Other participants Environmental advocacy groups Industry and small business representatives Local governments Academics
WRAP Overview Primary staffing Western Governors’ Association National Tribal Environmental Council Five states submitting haze SIPs this year AZ, NM, OR, UT, and WY First haze SIPs in nation Regional SO2 cap-and-trade program Other programs related to smoke management, renewable energy, and energy efficiency All states have to submit haze SIPs ~ 2007
Strategic Plan - Overview Basis for yearly workplans/budgets Inform new WRAP members Shift from §309 to §308 100+ additional Class I areas Summary of process
Strategic Plan - §308 Requirements Establish reasonable progress goals for each area for the year 2018 For the worst 20% days … a goal based on the uniform rate of progress needed to achieve natural conditions by 2064 For the best 20% days … a goal of no degradation Goals must consider cost, time, energy/non-air impacts, remaining useful life of affected sources
Glacier National Park Worst Days (1998-2002)
Strategic Plan - §308 Requirements Apportionment Identify areas each jurisdiction may affect Identify jurisdiction’s share of emission reduction obligations Control measures Must achieve the jurisdiction’s obligation Must include BART or superior alternative
Strategic Plan - Two-Phased Approach
Strategic Plan - Apportionment Phase I Phase II Apportion Emission Reductions By state / tribe By source category and sub-state areas if appropriate Reconcile and Synthesize Results Develop Control Strategies
Strategic Plan - Simple Timeline
Role of Dust Emissions Joint Forum For discussion purposes … Enhance technical resources and policy options for the WRAP on matters of “dust” 1. Emissions Support development of a region-wide dust inventory for regional scale modeling (provide a “mass balance” for the model) Compile local inventories for hot spots???
Role of Dust Emissions Joint Forum 2. Source apportionment Provide expert judgement / interpretation of air quality and receptor modeling results Undertake additional analyses if appropriate 3. Control strategies Characterize the controllable fraction of dust at Class I areas Identify the most appropriate types of controls and their effectiveness
Haze Monitoring Network (2001) Note: Some sites not shown.
Preliminary Cluster Analysis Results at IMPROVE Monitoring Sites
Difference of Aerosol Chemical Speciation Between SAGU and SAWE for Q1 – Q4
Map of SAGU and SAWE
Difference of Aerosol Chemical Speciation Between YOSE and HOOV for Q1 – Q4
Map of YOSE and HOOV
Dust Is Global Too
Asian Fine Dust (ng/m3) (VanCurren and Cahill, JGR, 2002) How do regional sources compare with local and global sources?
Some Guiding Questions??? What do we mean by “dust”? What do we mean by man-made and/or “controllable” dust? Is it important to categorize emissions as such, as done w/ fire? Where is dust and/or controllable dust most significant? How significant? What are the predominat sources in these areas, what can be done to reduce their impact, and what would be the costs and reductions?
Prior WRAP Dust Activities Expert panel findings and recommendations (2000) Not all particles are tansported long distances Fugitive dust emissions not a continuous process The fine fraction of fugitive dust emissions is not adequately characterized 8 others Expert panel follow-up (2002) Review and summarize new methods Progress implementing recommendations
Prior WRAP Dust Activities “Dust Forum” meeting (2002) Drafted a forum mission and dust definition Mission - Assess causes/sources of dust, evaluate emission inventory methods, and estimate contribution of dust to visibility impairment at Class I areas. Definition - Dust includes mechanically and Aeolian suspended bulk solid materials, including organic and inorganic matter. Identified potential projects Windblown dust emissions model Speciation of archived filters Evaluate natural background concentrations
Jarbidge Wilderness Area Worst Days (95, 96, 98, 99, 01)