Elementary School ICT Coordinator Write a request letter about the DCP problem and must be approved by the school head. School ICT Coordinator submit the request letter to the District ICT Coordinator for consolidation. District ICT Coordinator will consolidate the request letter Request letter must be approved by the School Head. School ICT Coordinator will submit the request letter to Division ICT Officer (Sir Felipe A. Nebrea) Division IT Officer call the attention and give the request letter to the District DCP Technical Team Leader Requesting school will coordinate with the Division Technical Team for scheduling. Division Technical Team will notify the requesting school for the schedule of monitoring/technical assistance. END
Secondary School ICT Coordinator Write a request letter about the DCP problem Request letter must be approved by the School Head. School ICT Coordinator will submit the request letter to Division ICT Officer (Sir Felipe A. Nebrea) Division IT Officer call the attention and give the request letter to the District DCP Technical Team Leader Requesting school will coordinate with the Division Technical Team for scheduling. Division Technical Team will notify the requesting school for the schedule of monitoring/technical assistance. END
DCP Problem Request Form Date : School Name : District : School ID : School Head : CP No. : IT Coordinator : Brand/Model : Serial No. : Batch No. : Delivery Date : Problem :