Gregor Mendel
Pisum sativum
Genetic Crosses
Mendel’s Laws
Pisum sativum Gregor Mendel Genetic Crosses Mendel’s Laws Dominance Vocabulary $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
Took courses in this subject at the University of Vienna that later helped him with his genetic studies
What is mathematics or statistics?
Mendel did research on this --- the transmission of characteristics from parent to offspring
What is heredity?
Number of traits Mendel observed in his study with pea plants
What is Seven?
Mendel used this to transfer pollen from the anther to the stigma of flowers
What is a small paint brush?
Mendel was able to document the traits of each pea generation by controlling this
What is pollination?
Two forms of a Gene
What are alleles?
Genotype referred to as being “Pure”
What is homozygous?
Heterozygous genotypes are also called this
What are hybrids?
Two forms that a gene or allele may take
What are dominant or recessive?
Mendel stated that physical traits were inherited as these
What are “particles”?
Pure parent pea plants are obtained by doing this
What is allow to self-pollinate?
Recessive seed shape in Mendel’s peas
What is wrinkled?
Flower part that produces pollen
What is the stamen?
Mendel was able to cross 2 hybrids by doing this
What is transfer pollen himself or cross-pollinate?
Actual observed ratio that Mendel got from an F1 monohybrid Cross
What is 2.96:1?
Cross involving 2 traits
What is dihybrid?
Used to solve genetic crosses
What is a Punnett Square?
Percentage of tall pea plants resulting from an F1 Monohybrid Cross
What is 75%?
Another name for an F2 Monohybrid Cross
What is a testcross?
Genotypic ratio for an F2 Monohybrid Cross
What is 1:1?
Number of P1 traits that fail to appear in Mendel’s F1 pea plants
What is one?
Trait that appeared in the F1 generation was controlled by this factor or allele
What is dominant?
Separation of factors or alleles during the formation of gametes
What is the Law of Segregation?
Dihybrid Crosses showed that alleles aren’t connected when being distributed to gametes
What is the Law of Independent Assortment?
Daily Double!!
Number of Possible allele Combinations in an F1 Dihybrid Cross
What is four?
Used to represent alleles or factors that mask others
What is a Capital Letter?
States that recessive trait alleles have no effect on phenotype when paired with a dominant trait allele
What is the Law of Dominance?
Gives hybrids an appearance in between the phenotypes of the two parents
What is Incomplete Dominance?
Multiple alleles for human blood type is an example
What is Codominance?
Type of dominance shown in Mendel’s pea plant crosses
What is Complete Dominance?
Double Jeopardy!!
Genetic Ratios
Genetic Disorders
Human Genetics
Genetic Ratios Genetic Disorders Sex-linked Human Genetics Genes Mutations $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000
P1 Monohybrid genotypic ratio
What is All Alike?
F1 Monohybrid genotypic ratio
What is 1:2:1?
F2 Monohybrid genotypic ratio
What is 1:1?
F1 Dihybrid Phenotypic ratio
What is 9:3:3:1?
Probability of getting hybrids from an F1 Monohybrid Cross
What is 50% or ½?
Family record showing the inheritance of a trait over several generations
What is a pedigree?
Type of mutation that causes death, often before birth
What is a lethal mutation?
Genetic disorder that produces a defective form of hemoglobin
What is sickle cell anemia?
Chromosome mutation resulting in Down Syndrome
What is nondisjunction?
Genetic disorder in which the body can not metabolize the amino acid phenylalanine
What is PKU?
Alternate forms of a Gene
What are alleles?
Genes are carried on these
What are chromosomes?
Shows the linear sequence of genes on a chromosome
What is a chromosome map?
Gene mutation involving a single nucleotide
What is a point mutation?
Genes found on the same chromosome are said to be this
What is linked?
Genotype for males
What is XY?
Sex chromosome that carries the most genes
What is the X chromosome?
X-linked disease usually in males that impairs the ability of blood to clot
What is hemophilia?
Females that do not express a trait but can pass the trait on to their offspring
What are carriers?
The presence of male or female hormones affects these traits
What are sex-influenced traits?
A mutation may take place in any of these
What is a cell?
Mutations that aren’t passed on to offspring
What are somatic mutations?
Organisms with these have a better chance of reproducing
What is a beneficial mutation?
Loss of a piece of a chromosome due to chromosomal breakage
What is a deletion?
Daily Double!!
Condition in which a zygote has only 45 chromosomes
What is monosomy?
Trait controlled by two or more genes such as eye or skin color
What is a polygenic trait?
Genetic disorder found in European Jews in which the nervous system of infants deteriorates
What is Tay-Sachs disease?
Genetic disorder carried on the X chromosome resulting in the wasting away of muscles
What is muscular dystrophy?
XXY chromosomes in a male
What is Klinefelter’s syndrome?
Screening for this disorder is performed immediately after birth in the United States
What is PKU?
Final Jeopardy
This type of dominance occurs when heterozygous individuals & dominant homozygous individuals are indistinguishable in phenotype
What is complete dominance?