What is an interjection? An interjection is a word or a group of words that express an emotion.
There are two kinds of interjections…….. A strong interjection is followed by an exclamation point. Go! That light is green. Wow! I got scared when I saw you on the balcony.
There are two kinds of interjections…….. A mild interjection is followed by a comma. Oh no, I have to bake a cake tonight. Hey, who will pick up this trash?
Now, get ready to read! Then identify the interjections in the following sentences.
Ouch! I hurt my finger. What is the interjection?
Wait! You forgot to take your medicine. What is the interjection?
Oh dear, I didn’t bring my shoes. What is the interjection?
Yes! I passed my Algebra test. What is the interjection?
Ugh! My stomach really hurts. What is the interjection?
Good grief! What’s that smell? What is the interjection?
Oh, what a beautiful moon. What is the interjection?
Gee, I wonder should I take her home. What is the interjection?
Hurray! We are going to Hawaii. What is the interjection?
Oh Dad, I love this ride. What is the interjection?
Yikes! You run too fast. What is the interjection?
Wow! Look at that huge bear. What is the interjection?
Congratulations. You are now an expert in identifying interjections Congratulations! You are now an expert in identifying interjections. Let’s see can you add a strong interjection to each sentence. Please use the correct punctuation. .
After completing these sentences, you can share them with a partner. 1. _____________ I can’t stand that crying. 2. _____________ My foot is in the door. 3. _____________ The water is too hot. 4. _____________ Watch out for the deer. After completing these sentences, you can share them with a partner.
Wow. Take a moment to think about interjections Wow! Take a moment to think about interjections. Are you ready to take the quiz? .
Look at both sentences. Which one shows a strong interjection Look at both sentences. Which one shows a strong interjection? Click to check your answer. A Ouch! My finger is hurting. B Oh dear, what have I done? Click to check your answer. The correct answers will highlight.
Which sentence shows a mild interjection? Click to check your answer. A Girl! I want that job. B Well, I need a ride. C Wow! Look at that beautiful cloud.
Review What is the difference between a strong interjection and a mild interjection? Give some examples.
Oh boy. You have done a great job. You now know what interjections are Oh boy! You have done a great job. You now know what interjections are. Well, it’s time to go. Good Bye!