TIP-TOP TYPIST Homework – Day 1 Tests Typing Speed Errors Please go to typingtest.com and complete 3 two-minute typing tests. Please record your speed, errors, and adjusted speed below. You may choose any story to type (i.e. Aesop’s fable, Rules of Baseball, etc.). Tests Typing Speed Errors Adjusted Speed Typing Test 1 Typing Test 2 Typing Test 3 Which was your fastest typing test? What is the mean of your three typing test speeds? What is one thing you can improve on with typing? Why?
Technology Brainstorming Writing Prompt Homework – Day 2 Tech-STORMING Technology Brainstorming Writing Prompt Throughout your day, list 10 ways you use technology. Please make sure you use complete sentences.
HOUR OF CODE Homework – Day 3 Please go to code.org and play an hour of code. When you are finished, please make sure you print or screenshot your certificate to give to the teacher. Also, please answer the questions below: What activity did you play? Did you enjoy it? Why or why not? What did you learn?
SURVEY TIME! Homework – Day 4 For this assignment, you will need to survey people and create a chart and graph in Excel. You can choose your own question to ask people or you can choose one of the following: favorite type of pet, number of sibling people have, favorite food, favorite sport, etc.
Homework – Day 5 PIXEL ART Open Excel Press CTRL+A and resize your cells so they are square. Begin to paint your cells into an image
NEW TECHNOLOGY INVENTIONS Homework – Day 6 NEW TECHNOLOGY INVENTIONS Research one article about a new technology invention. Write a summary about this new technology invention. Please make sure it has the following: At least 10 seconds Include a picture Link to the article
EXPLORE Please go to the following website and answer the following questions: http://explore.org/live-cams/player/african-animal-lookout-camera Name of the location you visited: Write four interesting things you saw on your journey:
FUTURE CAR In Microsoft Paint, create a future car. Write 10 sentences about what the future car would do.
ALL ABOUT ME Create a 10 slide Powerpoint about yourself. Please make sure you answer the following: Name Birthday Slide about your family Slide about your friends Slide about your favorite artist/music Slide about your favorite animal Slide about what you want to be when you grow up Slide about favorite food Slide about your favorite hobbies. Slide about anything you want.
RESEARCH YOUR NAME What is your name? Why did you parents give you that name? Using the Internet, research what your name means?