Nuclear Energy By Issac and Bill
Goal Setting Questions What is nuclear energy? Where does nuclear energy come from? What are disadvantages and advantages for nuclear energy. What are some real world examples. Is it safe for people and the environment.
Nuclear Energy Nuclear energy is non renewable. It’s produced by a chain reaction. Energy that is released by splitting nuclei is nuclear energy.
Nuclear Energy Nuclear energy plays the role of power production. People first released nuclear energy three years after World War 2 began. Nuclear is held together by an extremely strong force. There are some nuclear weapons.
Nuclear Energy Illinois became nuclear America. Nuclear energy is a threat to safety and health. People has developed peaceful uses for nuclear energy. A nuclear bomb destroyed cities and stopped World War 2 Nuclear cannot reduce global warming.
Nuclear Energy There is a high level of nuclear waste. The waste remains for 100,000 years. There is 300,000 tons of nuclear waste. The amount of waste increase daily. Nuclear waste is very dangerous.
Nuclear Energy In July 2008 there were more than 430 nuclear power plants. Nuclear power plants provided 15% of electricity in 2007. Concrete collate towers emitting steam rushing out is nuclear. In France there were 77% of electricity came from nuclear power. Overall 20% of electricity more states benefitting more than others.
Nuclear Energy Powerful energy released by changes in nucleus atoms or core. People knew nothing about nuclear energy until early 1900’s. The heat and light from the sun is result of nuclear energy. There are many uses for nuclear energy. Nuclear energy also is called atomic energy.