After the Dossier is Submitted Melanie R. Mormile
You’ve submitted your dossier as a Tenure-Track Faculty Member You’ve submitted your dossier as a Tenure-Track Faculty Member! Now what? Third Year Review Referred to as a “dress rehearsal” No external letters at this time Materials are reviewed by Departmental P&T Committee and Department Chair Meet with Dean of your College and one committee member each from your Department P&T, Area P&T, Campus-wide P&T, and your Department Chair You should learn what you are doing well (keep at it!) and what you should improve upon (things to work on)
You’ve submitted your dossier for Mandatory Promotion and Tenure You’ve submitted your dossier for Mandatory Promotion and Tenure! Now what? June of your 5th year – provide CV and representative papers to Department Chair for external evaluation September at the beginning of your 6th year – Complete dossier is submitted to your Department Chair. (S)he will insert external letters. Dossier is considered by the following groups: Department P&T Committee* – Fall Semester Department Chair* - Fall Semester Area Committee* - Fall Semester Dean of Your College* - Fall Semester Campus-wide Committee* - Right before Spring Semester Provost* - Spring Semester Chancellor – Decision announced before May of 6th year Can submit a rebuttal at levels with *
You’ve submitted your dossier for Promotion as a Non-Tenure Track Faculty Member! Now what? First Monday of October, Department Chair will send names of candidates for promotion to the Provost In October, Provost Office will send instructions for creating an electronic dossier to candidates going for promotion. If going up for Full NTT, external letters of evaluation will be requested. Electronic Dossier, Department Committee narrative, Chair narrative, and if desired, candidate rebuttal is submitted to Provost Office by 2nd Monday in February. Dossier is considered by the following: NTT Campus Committee* – Early Spring Vice Provost and Dean* - Early April Provost* - Late April Chancellor – May *Candidate can submit rebuttals at these levels if desired
Final Words of Advice Don’t want to worry about “ugly surprises” Know the expectations for P&T for your department – Every department should have these in writing You should be evaluated every year by your Department Chair – Seriously consider constructive criticism Do not aim to “just get by” If “Life happens!” to you, get advice/help– It is in everyone’s best interests to see you be successful!