Water Drainage Analysis April 11, 2018 Trinity & Associates Ltd. Professional Engineers 123 25 Street North Ennytown, AB T1J 3Z4 (403) 555-9876 Municipal address: 53062A Hwy 62 County of Cardston, AB LSD: -8-NE-23-5-22 W4- Trinity & Associates Members: Tyson Baldrey Randy Holmberg Allan Johnston Allan
Executive Summary This report on the property at 53062A Hwy 62, County of Cardston, AB (LSD 8 – NE Sec 23, Twp 5, R 22, W4M) identifies any potential drainage issues that may adversely impact the property due to flooding of the area explores two possible design concepts that would reduce the risk associated with the issue(s) Allan
company Information Trinity & Associates Ltd. Tyson Baldrey Providing drainage conceptual analysis & solutions since 2014 Based in Lethbridge, AB Offering service throughout Southern Alberta Tyson Baldrey Owner / Operator since 2014 Civil CAD Specialist ASET Member since 2014 Randy Holmberg Drainage Conceptual Specialist Civil CAD Specialist ASET Member since 2014 Allan Johnston Drainage Consultant Civil CAD Specialist ASET Member since 2014 Allan
Location & Property Property located LSD 8 - NE Sec 23, Twp 5, R 22, W4M Municipal address: 53062A Hwy 62 County of Cardston, AB South of Magrath, AB Allan *images NTS source: Bing Maps source: Google Earth
Location & Property Analysis of SW corner of property 20 acres rural agricultural RA-zoned Includes Dwelling Shop Barn 2 livestock outbuildings Drainage pond – Pothole Creek Jensen Reservoir SMRID Allan
Possible Issues High rainfall 1993, 2002, 2005 … > 350mm may cause flooding in some areas Potential flooding in two zones Low collection area in NW corner Low collection area south of proposed roadway Allan
Information Provided – Location Observations & Property Owner Questions Client states no flooding issues have occurred during his ownership of property is concerned about drainage issue potential as result of 1-in-100-year storm is concerned about drainage impact of future development (i.e. shop) on drainage states existing culvert located within landscaped area west of house in crescent driveway area – however, potential for issue as culvert is not at lowest point Tyson
Information Found – Site Analysis Ideal location for proposed shop – 52m north of NE corner of dwelling Limited grading needed Higher elevation than surrounding area Ideal location of driveway leading to proposed shop Will isolate low-lying area in NW corner of proposed area Smaller low-lying area south of proposed driveway, north of existing driveway Tyson
Information Found – Data & CAD Analysis TIN confirms low-lying areas Tyson
Information Found – Site Analysis CAD analysis arrows show slope and resulting drainage colour gradient indicates elevation change (dark > high; light > low) Linework indicates locations of structures & underground lines Tyson
Possible Solution #1 Build proposed driveway as stated above – will create berm separating low-lying area from existing dwelling Install culvert under proposed driveway along southern point from SE to NW Install culvert under existing roadway to divert water from larger low-lying area to drainage ditch Randy
Estimated Cost of Work & Materials Approximately 70m long x 4m wide @ average $2 / sq. ft. = 280m2 (3015 sq. ft.) = $6030 Culvert 15” x 20’ = $280 x 2 = $560 Rough guideline only Estimates are calculated using a suggested $2 / sq. ft. Randy
Possible Solution #2 (trash Pump) To accommodate the 1 in a 100 year storm, it may be more cost effective to invest in a trash pump This has more mobility to move around to problem areas and can be mounted on a trailer Water can be transported to the Pond on the East of the property for emptying the tank, or you can have tank storage if the wishes. Randy
Estimated Cost of Work & Materials 3" Trash Pump Estimated cost: $1320 Skid for tank mount - Free-$200 Fork Attachment - $300-$500 3” 50ft hose /w couplings - $120 3” Trash Pump (190-300 GPM) - $400-$720 1 m3 Tank - $300 2” Trash Pump Estimated cost: $1390 Skid for tank mount - Free-$200 Fork Attachment - $300 - $500 2” 50ft hose /w couplings - $70 2” Trash Pump (116-168 GPM) - $520-$1430 1 m3 Tank - $300 Randy
References Design Standards (pp. 3-1-3-16, Tech.). (2014). Retrieved from: http://www.lethbridge.ca/Doing-Business/Planning-Development/Urban-Construction-Right-of-Way- Coordination/Documents/Section3StormwaterManagement2014.pdf Canada, Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment. (1999). Canadian Water Quality Guidelines for Protection of Agricultural Water Uses (p. 15). Retrieved from: http://ceqg- rcqe.ccme.ca/download/en/131 Rainfall over the Last 25 Years (annual data) for Lethbridge. (n.d.). Retrieved December 06, 2016, from http://lethbridge.weatherstats.ca/charts/rain-25years.html Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. (n.d.). Description of soil ABMGTsa, Magrath. Retrieved April 6, 2018 from http://sis.agr.gc.ca/cansis/soils/ab/MGT/sa~~~/A/description.html Cost helper home and garden. (n.d.). Gravel driveway cost – How much does a gravel driveway cost? Retrieved April 8, 2018 from http://home.costhelper.com/gravel-driveway.html Lowe’s Kalispell Products & Sales. (n.d.). ADS 15-in x 20-ft Corrugated Culvert Pipe. Retrieved April 9, 2018 from https://www.lowes.com/pd/ADS-15-in-x-20-ft-Corrugated-Culvert- Pipe/3526584 Oldman River Regional Services Commission. (2016, February 23). Town of Cardston, Canada Alberta Flood Hazard Identification Program. Retrieved from http://gis2.orrsc.com/ORRSCdocs/Bylaws/Towns/Cardston/Cardston%20Town%20Land%20Use%20Bylaw%201647%20February%2023%20%202016%20(Map%20and%20Map%201 -Bylaw%201581).pdf Randy