Greater Kaweah GSA Board Meeting 2015 GEI VP Planning Meeting Succession Greater Kaweah GSA Board Meeting Kaweah Delta Water Conservation District 2975 N. Farmersville Blvd. - Farmersville CA Monday, September 10, 2018 Mike
GSP Development Status 2015 GEI VP Planning Meeting Succession GSP Development Status Kaweah Sub-Basin Coordination Groundwater Communication Portal Numerical Model Data Management System Basin Setting Undesirable Results & Sustainable Management Criteria Greater Kaweah GSP GSP Document and Mapping Development Communication & Engagement Plan
GSP Development Schedule
GSP Development Schedule (6-Month Look Ahead) SUBBASIN ACTIVITIES Complete Groundwater Model Update Groundwater Model Simulations Complete Basin Setting/Water Budget SMC Goal and SI Assessment Define Management Areas Water Level Projections Develop Thresholds and Objectives for MAs 2018 Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec January 2019 Complete Intro and Basin Setting/Water Budget SMC Thresholds and Objectives – Iterative Process Developed by Stakeholders Informed by technical information including groundwater modeling Groundwater Model Simulations Projects and Management Actions GSA Deliverable
Groundwater Communication Portal Part of the Sub-Basin wide Coordination Effort, funded by the County’s Distressed Basins Grant. Provides one location for Interested Parties to view the calendars for each GSA and for Sub-Basin Management activities. Also provides the GSAs with the ability to gather information on Interested Parties and track their respective outreach efforts. Site is scheduled to be live for the 9/19/18 Sub-Basin Management Team Meeting.
Groundwater Communication Portal
Groundwater Communication Portal
Numerical Model Phase 1: KDWCD MODFLOW model review is complete. Model Assessment TM delivered to GSA Managers and reviewed by the GKGSA TAC. Comments to be provided to GEI and GSI by 9/18/2018. Phase 2: Expand the model spatially and temporarily Work underway includes establishment of boundary conditions for the Sub-Basin model and inputting ET data from Davids Engineering. Estimated Completion Date: November 2018 Phase 3: GSA specific model runs Late 2018/Early 2019
Data Management System Data that has been formatted and being uploaded to DMS: Well Locations Groundwater Levels Water Quality Data from Responsive Agencies and Utilities Subsidence Data currently being formatted for upload to DMS: Lithology Well Construction Water Quality Data (as it is received)
Sub-Basin Level Basin Setting A preliminary draft of the narrative and maps for the Sub- Basin level Basin Setting report have been completed. Maps are being formatted for consistency and to include additional information as it becomes available. The narrative is being reviewed by and revised as needed. Report available for GSA Managers’ review by mid- September, 2018.
Undesirable Results & SMCs The Management Team Technical Working Group has met to discuss the Sub-Basin wide definitions of Undesirable Results and how to establish Management Areas with Basin-wide Hydrogeologic Zones. Undesirable Results definitions will be presented at the Sub-Basin Management Team meeting, and discussed at each GSA’s respective TAC for recommendations. Hydrogeologic Zones will also be reviewed at the Sub-Basin Management Team meeting. These will be used to establish thresholds within each zone and can be used to create Management Areas within the GSAs.
SMCs – Next Steps Once Undesirable Results definitions are finalized, the TACs will review data for each Management Area to set Sustainable Management Criteria (SMCs) in coordination with the other GSAs. Minimum Thresholds, Measurable Objectives, and Interim Milestones will be coordinated, depending on the Management Area’s location with respect to the other GSA(s). The GSAs still maintain control over projects and management actions necessary to meet the Measurable Objectives in their respective areas.
GSP Development Introduction Chapter Draft narrative and six of the eight maps for this chapter are available for review and comment. The two outstanding maps are being developed and will be made available for review prior to the October TAC meeting. Well Density by Well Type Land Use by Water Source Type Comments on this chapter to be provided to GEI to incorporate in further revisions.
GSP Development Basin Setting Chapter Will be mostly based upon the Sub-Basin Level Basin Setting report. The narrative will highlight conditions and features specific to GKGSA. Completion of the Draft GKGSA Basin Setting Chapter by mid-October, 2018.
GSP Development Monitoring Network Chapter Consists of 3 parts: A description of existing monitoring programs and the data collected Identification of data gaps with respect to the requirements of SGMA Plans to address the data gaps identified in the 2020 GSP The first two parts of the Draft GKGSA Monitoring Network Chapter to be completed for review by the October TAC Meeting. Plans to address data gaps to be developed with guidance from GKGSA.
Communication & Engagement Plan Stantec has prepared and made a draft of the GKGSA Communication & Engagement Plan available for review to the Stakeholders and Rural Communities Committees. Presented on 9/5/18 and is available in today’s materials. Comments from committees’ members to be provided to Stantec for incorporation in further revisions.
SkyTEM Total Length (km) Total Length (miles) GKGSA 349.91 217.43 EKGSA 161.58 100.40 MKGSA 147.94 91.92